Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
The weeks are flying by so quickly towards the end of the school year.
The weather has been very unpredictable this week which meant that Sports Day was postponed. This did give the children some extra time to work on their races. They are all looking forward to next Wednesday.
In English we have been writing our own version of the story 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. The children have written some amazing stories some of which have been shared with the whole class.
In maths we have been recapping on money and solving problems involving all 4 operations. We have also continued to work on our times tables. The children are working really hard on these and I am sure we will have more certificates and badges to give out before the end of the year.
This week the children have continued to enjoy playing the African Drums. These will be in school until the end of the term for them to play.
Remember the children's homework projects will need to be completed by Wednesday 13th July. They can start to bring them in from Monday 11th July (please do not send them in before this date). More information will follow about when we will be displaying them for you to view.
Have a wonderful weekend. Let's hope the sun comes out again!
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class have had a fun packed week!
It started on Monday when we did some collecting of nature for our 'Out for a Walk' art work. The children used petals, flowers and leaves to create their masterpieces. We also collected sticks to use as frames for our work. The end pieces were amazing and all looked so different. We had some bits left so the children all made a bookmark too.
On Tuesday we had an African Drumming Workshop. The children all had a go at playing the drums. Joseph (from Art Forms) taught them about pulse and rhythm. The played and sang some traditional African songs.
In English we have continued with our work using the story 'Lila and the Secret of Rain'. The children have written recounts as Lila, created story maps and used them to orally retell the story. We have also started to plan our own version of the story which we will be writing next week.
In maths we have been continuing to work on division and multiplication word problems. We have also been doing some investigation maths. The children had to use numicon and numbers to make certain amounts to complete the challenges.
Another exciting week next week with Sports Day to look forward to.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Our trip to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park on Tuesday has definitely been the highlight of this week.
We all had a fantastic day! The children got to see giraffes, rhinos, lions, tigers to name but a few. I think the polar bears were a favourite. They were playing in the water, putting on a great show for the children. The children were all amazingly well behaved!
As a follow up we wrote some postcards from the park and created some sunset silhouettes using some of the animals that we saw.
The children should all have brought home some information on our Summer Term Homework Project. This is continuing our theme of Africa. I look forward to seeing the children's creations.
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs Moore