Maple Tree Class - Year 6
Welcome to our class page!
Maple Tree Class is taught by Mrs Trotter, Mrs Ward and supported by Mrs Senior.
Class Routines:
- PE is on a Thursday and Friday - PE Kit should be worn on those days.
- Homework is given out on a Friday to be returned the following Wednesday.
- Reading books will be changed on a Monday and Friday. Children should be reading at home at least five times a week.
If you need to speak to us please see us during drop-off times before/after school, email or call 0113 3910906 and we will respond as soon as possible.
Spring 2025 Curriculum Overview:
I wonder if the Amazon Rainforest is worth saving?
- English: Children will be writing to inform and entertain through writing poems, an adventure story and a balanced argument.
- Reading: Our class reader is 'The Explorer' by Katherine Rundell. Children will be reading through this text and answering a range of questions to support their comprehension. In addition, the children will be completing a range of other comprehension-based activities.
- Maths:
- Decimals
- Percentages
- Algebra
- Statistics
- Perimeter, area and volume.
- Science:
- Living Things and Their Habitats
- Computing:
- Selection in Physical Computing
- Selection in Quizzes
- Music: Sing Up
- DT: Automata Animals
- History: Ancient Maya
- Geography: Rainforests
- PE: Handball
- RE: What is the significance of Easter?
- Keeping myself safe
- Rights and Responsibilities.
- French: At the Tearoom