Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well what a whirlwind of a half-term! I can't believe we are already at the end and are half way through the school year.
The highlight of the week has been our writing linked to Supertato. The children have created their own Fruit or Vegetable Superhero and used this character in their own Supertato Adventure. These adventures have been made into comic strips.
Wishing you all a Happy Half-Term. Hopefully we will return to some warmer Spring Time weather.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
The week started with a 'Mind Mate' assembly which focused on the theme of resilience. The children then had a Workshop in the classroom. The theme of resilience is such an important one and we talk about this when referring to 'What a Rufford Park Learner Looks Like'.The children have all shown great resilience all week in everything that they have done!
In English we have started a new story to inspire our writing. The children have been writing descriptions of 'Supertato' the main character from the Supertato Adventures.
In maths we have had a consolidation week. We have been recapping on addition and subtraction. The children have really impressed me with their skills especially when using exchanging for subtractions that cross the tens.
Resilience has really been shown in PE this week. We have continued with our Skipping Unit both in Sam's and our teacher lead PE sessions. The children's skills have really improved but most importantly they are continuing to 'have a go' even when they are finding it tricky.
We have also welcomed Miss Smith to our class this week. She will be with us until after the Easter Holidays as part of her Teacher Training.
A slightly shorter week for the children next week due to our Training Day on Friday. Also , unbelievably, the last week before the February Half Term Holiday.
Happy Weekend!
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Another very busy week!
On Tuesday we had a Skipping Workshop with Katie. This is in preparation for the Skipping Festival we will take part in later in the year. The children all joined in well and shown good levels of perseverance. Skipping is not easy!
In maths we have continued our work on division and multiplication. We have been dividing and multiplying by 2, 5 and 10. The children are showing great enthusiasm for this unit of work. We have had more children achieving 'TImes Tables Certificates' this week. Your help at home working on these Times Tables at home is much appreciated.
In English we have been planning and writing our own Traction Man adventure. The children have enjoyed sharing their story ideas with each other. Next week we will be beginning a new Superhero story.
Our Geography work this week has been looking at some of the Human and Physical Features of the United Kingdom. The children have been sorting landmarks in to groups of Human or Physical.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore