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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Cherry Tree -Year 2
  3. Cherry Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Cherry Tree Class Blog

Cherry Tree Class Blog


Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog

A shorter but still very busy week in Cherry Tree Class.

We have continued our work in English using the story of the Owl Babies.  The children have been writing expanded noun phrases and using them to write descriptions of the story setting.

In maths we have been partitioning 2 digit numbers and writing them in their expanded forms   83 = 80 + 3.  We have continued to work on writing numbers to 100 as both words and numerals.  This week's homework is giving the children the opportunity to work on these important skills.

In art we have been making careful, observational drawings of things found in nature.  I have been very impressed with the children's artistic skills.

The children should all have brought home their homework books today.  Inside are details about how homework needs to be completed and when it needs to be returned.  Your help in encouraging the children to complete their homework neatly and on time is much appreciated.

A reminder that shoeboxes need to be brought to school for the week beginning the 3rd October.  The children should all have brought home a note about this today.  They will be using them for some science work linked to habitats.

Have a wonderful weekend. 

Mrs Moore   


Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog

The children have continued to make a great start to the year.  I have been really impressed with how sensibly they have all come into school each morning and settled down ready to learn.

This week in English we have started our work using the story 'The Owl Babies'.  The children have been making predictions about the characters and writing descriptions of the owls.

In maths we have been focussing on 'Place Value'.  The children have been doing lots of practical work using equipment and drawing the representation of 2 digit numbers.  Understanding the value of each digit in a number is so important for the work in maths they will do later in the year and throughout their school life. 

In Science the children have been thinking about living and non-living things.  This has linked really well with our Art this week too.  The children have been sculpting living things found in nature out of clay.  They used pinching, pulling and rolling techniques and small tools to create their pieces of art.   

Many of you will have seen the amazing new climbing equipment on the Key Stage 1 playground.  The children have all had an opportunity to use this this week.  They have shown skill and coordination when making their way round the structure.  

Before the end of the half term the children will be using shoe boxes to create a 'Shoebox Habitat'. Could you send your child in with a shoe box before the week beginning 3rd October (if you have more than one, the extra would be much appreciated).

We will be back on Tuesday due to the Bank Holiday Weekend.

Mrs Moore 


Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog

The children in Cherry Tree Class have made a fantastic start to the year!

They have settled back into the routines of school really well and have done some great work.

Today the children have all chosen a library book to take home.  They will have the chance to change this each Friday if they are ready to do so.  

Have a lovely weekend.  I am sure there will be lots of tired children tonight. 

See you Monday!

Mrs Moore

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