Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well we have certainly packed lots in our first week back!
We have continued to learn about Florence Nightingale this week. We have been looking at her journey to Scutari and how travel has changed. We have also been learning about what hospitals were like in Florence Nightingale's time. The children have been thinking about the hospital in Scutari and the things that Florence might have seen, heard and smelt on her arrival. Next week we have our Florence Nightingale Workshop where the children will learn more about her time in Scutari and the good work she did.
In English we have continued the Florence Nightingale theme with our instruction writing. The children have been learning about the key features of this type of writing. We have been using imperative (bossy) verbs to write command sentences. The children have also been following oral instructions to make their own Florence Nightingale lamp.
In maths we have continued to work on addition. Any work at home recapping on bonds to 10, 20 and 100 would be much appreciated.
Next week we will be launching our new 'Aslan Reading Challenge'. Aslan is the famous lion from the story 'The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe' - he has also made appearances in lots of other stories under a different name. The Reading Challenge is to encourage more Home Reading and the winners will get to have their very own Aslan for the week. There will be more information coming home next week.
The children were very excited at the thought of having Aslan in the classroom for the week, so get reading!
Have a fabulous weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well we have reached the end of the first half term and what a busy one it has been.
Then children have made a fantastic start to the year and all worked really hard. I am sure that they are all ready for a rest.
Please remember to keep reading in the holidays!
Have a wonderful half term.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well we have reached the end of the first half term and what a busy one it has been.
Then children have made a fantastic start to the year and all worked really hard. I am sure that they are all ready for a rest.
Please remember to keep reading in the holidays!
Have a wonderful half term.
Mrs Moore