Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
It was so good to see so many of you at the Parent Meetings this week. I hope you enjoyed the chance to see some of your child's work and have the opportunity to talk about how they have settled into Year 2.
This week we have been looking at the use of Onomatopoeia and Alliteration in poetry. The children have read a variety of poems and listened to some too. They have enjoyed using this new vocabulary and exploring how it is used in poetry and stories. We have continued to use the story 'What the Ladybird Heard' to help us create some of our own poems using Onomatopoeia and Alliteration.
In maths we have been using our knowledge of number bonds to 10 to help us to find number bonds to 100. We have been exploring patterns and using practical equipment. We have also been adding a single digit to a 2 digit number.
In Science we have continued our work on Living Things and their Habitats. The children have been exploring larger habitats including the Ocean.
I have been talking to the children this week about the importance of reading at home. Unfortunately there are a number of children in the class who really need to be reading more often. Like any skill regular practise is the key to improvement! Please remember to record all your child's home reading in their red reading record book.
We had our School Council elections today. Our new class representative is Heidi! Well done on making an amazing poster.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
The children have enjoyed exploring the school grounds again this week looking for leaves and twigs for their shoebox habitats.
They had great fun on Monday painting their boxes and arranging their finds. On Tuesday they made their mini-beasts from clay. These have be placed in their shoebox habitats.
In English we have been sequencing the story 'What the Ladybird Heard'. The children have been using pictures from the story to re-tell the story orally and write parts of the story. When re-telling, both orally and in a written form, they have been encouraged to use some of the key story vocabulary.
In maths we have been revisiting bonds to 10 and using these facts to find bonds to 20 and 100. Having a solid knowledge and quick re-call of number bonds to 10 is key to the maths that they children will do later this year and in the future.
Next week we will be having our School Council Elections. Any children who would like to have a chance of being voted onto the school council will need to make a poster for Friday14th October. The children have be given more information about this in school.
I am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our Parent Meetings next week. If you haven't yet booked an appointment please do.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
We have made the most of the school grounds this week with habitat searches in Science and nature collections in Art.
The children have really enjoyed creating their own 'Nature Sculptures' using leaves, stones, twigs, flowers and other nature objects. I have been amazed by their artist flare and talent.
In English we been reading the story 'What the Ladybird Heard'. The children have been creating 'Freeze Frames' for key parts of the story and writing thought bubbles about character's feelings.
In maths we have been comparing objects and numbers using mathematical vocabulary. We have also been ordering numbers and placing numbers on number lines.
Next week we will be moving on to addition and subtraction to 20 and beyond.
Just a reminder about reading. Please can you make sure that your child is reading their school reading book at least 3 times each week. This regular reading and opportunity to re-read books is vital for them to improve their fluency and understanding. Please remember to record your child's reading in their reading record book so that we know they have read the book at home and that it needs to be changed. Thank you for your support with this.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore