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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Home Learning

Home Learning

Live Streaming Guidance

Please click on this link to view our Live Streaming Guidance.  This guidance has been written to ensure that all members of the school community (staff, parents and children) are clear on the expectations and standards of conduct in regard to live streaming and virtual lessons.   

How to login to Microsoft Teams 365

The above video shows you how to login to Microsoft Teams 365.  Press play on the video or click on this link to download it.  Alternatively, you can download the 'How to Login to Microsoft Teams 365 Guide'.   


Please see below for links to many different websites that children can access from home

Click here to see some of the highlights during Lockdown March 2020-July 2020


During the current school closure, BBC Bitesize are bringing you three new lessons every weekday with videos, activities and more.
Purple Mash is a creative educational website for children; it is across-curricular resource covering Art to Science and all subjects in between.  All children in school have their own username and password for Purple Mash and can log in on a desktop computer, laptop or tablet.
You can sign your child up to Sumdog for free to work on maths, spelling and reading.
Let's get talking! - A lovely non-screen time, back to basics approach involving simple interactive activities.
A website full of resources and activities for children to access at home. There are also lots of free educational games to access. There is plenty of FREE content but for wider access and a free 1 month trial use the code PARENTSTWINKLHELPS.  Click on the following link to see the Parents User Guide Twinkl parents free user guide.
The government have compiled a list of websites they recommend for home learning. 
This resource is one that we use in school to guide our curriculum. They have made some resources to use at home specific to each year group. 
Sign your child up on The Maths Factor with Carol Vorderman. It will match the learning to your child's needs. Currently free during school closures.
Children in Year 3 and Year 4 have login details for Times Tables Rock Stars.  They can log in on a computer, tablet or mobile to play games to practise their times tables.
All children in Years 1 - 6 have their own username and password for Mathletics.
Fun maths games for children.
Interactive maths games with quick fire questions on number bonds, times tables, doubling and halving, multiples, division facts and square numbers.
Sing along and learn all about numbers with the Numberblocks!  Suitable for children in Nursery and Reception.
Oxford Owl has over 50 books suitable for tablets, laptops, computers and mobile phone for you to read with your child at the appropriate level.  See your class web page for details about how to log in; each class has its own username and password.

The Book Trust have got lots of lovely books free to read online. There are many classic children's stories where children can follow along as the story is read to them. 
Audible have made their children's audio books free for children to listen to. 
Watch a wonderful range of famous authors and stars reading children’s books and short stories for kids of all ages.
Access 330+ free Collins Big Cat e-books and download a selection of worksheets to use at home.  Go to Collins Connect and click on the teacher portal and enter:
Username:  Password: Parents20! and click Login.
During the current school closure, PhonicsPlay is free to use.  Children can use the site at home without parents needing to subscribe.  To access their resources all you need to do is log on using the following details:
Username: march 20  Password: home
Learn about the letters of the alphabet.  Suitable for children in Nursery and Reception.



Active screen time using dance, yoga, mindfulness and games.
30 minute Youtube PE lesson delivered by Joe Wicks, The Body Coach.
Resources to keep children moving at home.
Daily dance class with Oti Mabuse.
Videos which help children move while they learn.  They support curriculum subjects, including maths and English.
This website is a resource of simple and fun activities that will help 2 to 4 year olds get their 180 minutes of recommended daily physical activity.

Videos that get younger children (suitable for nursery and Reception) up and dancing with CBeebies presenters.

Learn the statutory list of high-frequency tricky spellings by selecting Word Walls 1 to 6.