Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
The children have got straight back in to it this week and worked very hard!
This week we started our new Topic 'Once Upon a Time'. We watched some of the original footage of Queen Elizabeth11 Coronation and talked about what a monarch does. We also completed a photograph chronology task to help us to understand the concept of the past and when different people lived and when important events took place.
In English we are using the Traditional Tale of the Three Little Pigs to inspire our writing. This week we have been sequencing the story and using 'Freeze Frame' techniques to help us to understand how characters felt and acted at different points in the story.
In maths we have been recapping on addition and subtraction. We have also been practising our Times Tables and some children in the class have achieved their first certificates. This was for knowing their ten times tables facts, both multiplication and division. Well done to those children!
Next Thursday is World Book Day. The children have all decorated their t-shirts with their favourite books and characters in preparation of the day. No dressing up is required just normal school uniform please. T-shirts will be worn in school on the day and taken home that night.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well the highlight of this week was definitely our 'Superhero Day'.
The children had a great day celebrating the end of our Superhero Topic. They came dressed as a range of superheroes. It was great to see such a mixture of fictional and real-life superheroes.
The day was spent completing a range of Superhero themed activities. These included making their own Supertato and creating a comic strip Supertato Adventure.
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Parent Meetings this week. Your continued support at home is much appreciated.
This week has been online safety week. Please see the link below for parent information on how to keep your children safe when using the internet.
I hope you all have a happy and restful half term.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
As always, a very busy week in Cherry Tree Class!
This week we have been using the story 'Supertato' to inspire our writing. The children have been using some of the key story vocabulary in both oral and written sentences. We have also been writing descriptions of this superhero. Next week the children will be creating their own comic strip 'Supertato' adventure.
In maths we have continued our work on multiplication and division.
The children have continued to enjoy our portrait unit in art. This week we have been looking at colour washes using water colours.
Next week, on Wednesday, we have our Superhero Day to bring our topic to a conclusion. It should be a really good day and I am looking forward to seeing which superheroes the children come dressed as.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore