Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
The children have all had a fantastic week of learning.
I have been really impressed with their enthusiasm for learning their Times Tables. We have been working on our 2, 5 and 10 Times Tables and beginning to know these facts using our mental recall skills. I am in the process of setting up a Key Stage 1 Rewards System for Times Tables. Certificates and medals will be coming soon!
The links below are from Numberblocks and will hopefully make learning their Times Tables more fun. Your support at home in learning these is much appreciated.
We have continued are writing work using the story of Cinderella. We have been writing diary entries as Cinderella recounting the events of The Ball. Next week we will be moving on to some writing to 'Inform' with some Instructional Writing.
On Thursday the children all brought home a letter about Parents Evenings. If you have not seen this please look in your child's bookbag.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
We are already getting close to the end of January, time is just flying by!
We have continued our work on our topic 'Changes' this week. The children have been learning about The Equator and what the climate is like in countries that are near to it. We have used maps to locate some countries and continents that are close to it.
In maths the children are really enjoying our work on division and multiplication. We have been solving some mixed number sentence problems using different strategies. We are beginning to work on our mental recall of facts for the 2,5 and 10 Times Tables so any work at home working on the quick mental recall of these facts would be appreciated and help to improve the children's speed.
The Cinderella story has really grabbed the children's attention. This week we have been writing invitations to the Royal Ball.
On Wednesday we had Tony, 'The Music Man' from Music for Schools, talking to the children about learning to play a Brass or Woodwind instrument. There is a link on the letter they brought home with all the information needed. At this point we are looking at interest in learning an instrument and it may be that lessons do not start for children until Year 3.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well we started the week off with Music and we ended the week with Music.
On Monday the children had their first 'Singing Assembly' with Mr Jennings. It was a great way to get warmed -up for the week and the children joined in with great enthusiasm. Today the children had a Music Workshop called 'Skylar's Missing Note' where they were learning about pitch, tempo, dynamics and rhythm. So all in all a very musical week was had!
We have continued our topic work this week by looking at maps and atlases to locate the continents of the world. I was very impressed with the children's knowledge and what they had remembered from our work on this last year.
In English we have continued to look at the story of Cinderella. We have been writing thought bubbles and recounts of a typical day for Cinderella before she met the Prince. We have been reinforcing our work on verbs and looking at how verbs change when they are written in the past tense. We thought about the jobs she had to do and acted them out on the playground.
In maths we have continued our work on multiplication and also started to look at division. We have focused on dividing using sharing. Next week we will be looking at dividing using grouping too.
Our Design and Technology for this half term is to design and make interactive book pages. If the children have any pop-up, lift the flap or books with moving parts it would be great if they could bring them in for us to look at. Our designs will have a Cinderella/Traditional Tales theme.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Moore