Ash Tree Class Blog
Ash Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 24.5.24
Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
We have made it the the end of what feels like one of the busiest half terms in UKS2! This half term we have had our Year 6 residential, Year 6 SATs, so many sports events and lots more happening in school too!
Today was "Make the Rules Day" which meant that we had lots of children with crazy hair, nail varnish, tattoos and tasty snacks after playtime. We also for the first time got to "MAKE" a bespoke class rule and Ash Tree Class wanted to make their very own version of the school newsletter! Make sure you read our version below and compare it to the one published on the School Jotter and see which one is better!.
As we have come to the end of a half term we have also come to the end of another great class story. This half term we have been reading The Last Bear by Hannah Gold. A lot of children have enjoyed this story and have been asking about the author and there is a sequel called Finding Bear if anyone is interested in reading more about April and Bear's adventures!
Have a great half term holiday! Hopefully the weather picks up and we get some more sunshine! See you on Tuesday 4th June.
Miss Bairstow :)
Weekly Update 16.5.24
Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
This week has been a very important week for our Year Sixes so I would like to start by saying how amazing they have all been this week whilst completing their SATs! They have worked so hard and deserve a well-earned rest this weekend!
Year 5 have spent most of their week being taught by Miss Sanderson, Mrs Amos and Mrs Senior. They have been doing some English work linked to Greek mythology and some maths work on translation of shapes. All staff have reported on how brilliant they have been so I am very proud of the Year 5's too!
Next week, there are a couple of important things in the diary. Wednesday is class picture day (make sure you do your hair!) and Friday is Make the Rules Day - check School Jotter for the information sent about this by the PTA.
Well done again to all the children in Ash Tree Class this week who have all coped with the disruption and change to their usual school day brilliantly.
Enjoy your weekend!
Miss Bairstow
Weekly Update - 10.5.24
Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
I hope you all enjoyed your long weekend!
This week Year 6 have been completing a range of SATs revision tasks ahead of next week. Please remember SATs breakfast club is running in the hall from 8.30 Mon-Thurs next week.
Year 5 have been doing some writing tasks linked to "Who Let the Gods Out?" and have also been spending some time completing some additional topic work with the children from Year 5 Oak.
Have a good weekend - enjoy the warmer weather now it is here!
Miss Bairstow :)