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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Ash Tree - Year 5/6
  3. Ash Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Ash Tree Class Blog

Ash Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update - 13.2.25

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


What a busy half term! We have enjoyed all of our learning over the last few weeks and the children in Ash Tree have made so much progress. 

We ended the half term with a very exciting and busy day as we had a DT morning in UKS2. We completed the first two lessons of our new unit "Automata Animals" where we researched endangered rainforest animals and cam mechanisms in preparation for building our own moving model after half term. The children have enjoyed learning about the different animals in the rainforest all half term so having this time to research them in more detail was very exciting! 

As well as completing two DT lessons, we also had a special class treat in homage to our French unit this half term, Au salon de thé (At the Tea Room). We have been learning how to order various (tasty!) food and drink in a French tea room in our French lessons so decided to try some pain au chocolat, croissants and crepes to finish off the half term! 

If your child has been selected as part of the Reading Plus pilot, we would appreciate your support with encouraging them to access their assigned lessons over half term. 

Have a great half term and see you in a week! 

Miss Bairstow 

7.2.25 - Weekly Update

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


This week Year 6 have been completing some assessments so that we can see how much progress they have made so far this term. While they have been busy with this Year 5 have been focussing on improving their arithmetic skills and have published their rainforest poems. 

In other news, there have been lots of other exciting events going on for some pupils in UKS2. On Tuesday, we had a PSHE workshop on resilience delivered by Mindmate, some Y5 and Y6 pupils played in a football match on at Immaculate Heart, on Thursday some Year 5 pupils attended a full day music event at Benton Park and on Friday morning some Y5 and Y6 pupils went ice skating at Planet Ice as part of a P.E "Come and Try Event". 

What a busy week! 

Have a great weekend and look forward to the slightly shorter LAST week of the half term next week! 

Miss Bairstow :) 

Weekly Update - 31.1.25

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


In English this week we have been busy finishing writing our rainforest poetry and are now ready to publish these next week. 

In maths, Miss Bairstow's group completed their unit on multiplication and division and Mrs Trotter's group were learning how to multiply fractions. 

In science, we completed our final life cycles studies looking at insects and birds. We learnt about the layers of the rainforest in topic and have been busy reading The Explorer in guided reading. 

Have a great weekend!

Miss Bairstow :) 

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