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  1. Classes
  2. Ash Tree - Year 5/6
  3. Ash Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Ash Tree Class Blog

Ash Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 18.1.24

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


We are back into the swing of things and adjusting to our new topics and routines! 

This week in English, we have started writing our non-chronological reports comparing Leeds and a twin town/city. 

In maths, Mrs Trotter's group have been learning about decimals and Miss Bairstow's group have been working on adding and subtracting mixed numbers. This is a tricky concept as there are lots of steps involved in working through each calculation to get to the final answer but my maths group have really impressed me with their accuracy and attention to detail in their working out! 

Ash Tree P.E days have now moved to Tuesday and Wednesday. 

Have a good weekend! 

Miss Bairstow

Weekly Update 12.1.24

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog

Welcome back! 

We have had a great first week back and enjoyed our topic launch day on Wednesday. Our new topic is Rivers and Mountains and we will also be looking at comparing our local area to the western U.S.A. The children in UKS2 rotated around all three classrooms during the day to complete three different activities linked to our new topic. 

It has been a busy start back with Young Voices taking place on Monday and an under 11's football cup fixture on Tuesday. Well done to all the children in Ash who took part in these events! 

In English, we have been gathering information about Leeds and its twin towns and cities as we will be writing a non-chronological report comparing the two over the next few weeks. 

In maths, both groups have continued their work on fractions. 

Have a great weekend. 

Miss Bairstow 

Weekly Update 22.12.23

Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog


We have reached the end of another very long half term! (or should I say some of us have – sadly I have been poorly this week and missed the last few days).

On Tuesday, UKS2 performed their Christmas assembly “A Very Victorian Christmas”. They did a fantastic job of making it both entertaining and informative and we hope you enjoyed watching it as much as we did!

On Tuesday afternoon, we had great fun making our Victorian inspired Christmas cards. We learnt that it was in the Victorian era the first ever Christmas cards were produced but these were very expensive for ordinary people who would often make their own at home instead. We had a go at creating our own using a common technique from the time whereby people would create “pinprick lace borders”. We found it tricky to get the hang of at first but are very pleased with how our designs turned out as they look very effective!



And finally, I think the last thing to say this week is to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! On behalf of all the adults in Ash Tree we would like to say thank you for all the kind and thoughtful gifts we have received. We hope you all have a wonderful time celebrating and will look forward to seeing you all in the new year! I can’t remember ever having to write this final blog entry this late


Merry Christmas!

Miss Bairstow 

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