Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
We have reached the end of the first half term. I am sure the children are all feeling ready for a well-earned rest.
It has been a very busy few weeks and the children have all worked incredible hard. I have been very impressed with them all!
Next half term we will be continuing with our 'Fighting Fit' topic. We will be learning more about Florence Nightingale and Nellie Spindler and thinking about why one is remembered more than the other.
Have a fabulous holiday.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
A busy week in Cherry Tree Class!
It was lovely to see so many of you at our Parent Meetings this week. It was good to be able to talk to you about your children and how they have settled into Year 2.
This week in English we have been looking at and writing poems. We have been focusing on poems that use 'Alliteration' and 'Onomatopoeia'. The children have enjoyed writing their own poems using these tools. We are continuing with our poetry next week too!
In maths we have been looking at bonds to 100. The children have been using their knowledge of bonds to 10 to help them. Any continued work on number bonds to 10,20 and 100 at home would be much appreciated.
Next week is the last week before the half term holidays. I think all the children will be ready for a well-earned rest!
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
This week we have continued to use the story of 'What the Ladybird Heard' to inspire our writing. The children have been focusing on the sequence of the story and the key story vocabulary. They have been orally retelling the story to a partner to reinforce the sequence of events. The writing sequence for the week ended with them writing the story in their own words and sharing it with a partner. Next week we are moving on to poetry using both of the stories we have covered this half term.
In maths we have been recapping on bonds to 10 and using this knowledge to work on bonds to 20. We have also been solving addition and subtractions within 10 and 20. Next week we are moving on to bonds to 100.
The children have continued to enjoy their art unit on 'Nature Sculptures'. This week they have worked in small groups to create a 'Big Build' using leaves, twigs and other items from nature.
Hopefully you have all managed to make an appointment for our Parent's Meetings next week. I look forward to talking to you then about your child and how they have settled into Year 2.
Happy weekend!
Mrs Moore