Cherry Tree Class Blog
Cherry Tree Class Blog
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
Well the highlight of the week as been 'World Book Day'.
I was really pleased with the number of 'Little People, BIG DREAMS' bubbles that were returned. We had a really good mix of Inspirational People - some with books already written and some, perhaps, with books yet to come. You will be able to see them on display when you come next week for your Parent Meetings.
The children also embraced the dressing up too. We had some very inventive choices: Mary Anning, Anne Frank and Albert Einstein to name a few.
World Book Day is, however, about the reading and sharing of books not just the dressing up. During the day the children listened to a selection of stories both in their own classroom and elsewhere. The children in Cherry Tree Class went to visit Mrs Millen in Reception Class for a story session. They all thoroughly enjoyed a return to Reception and the story Mrs Millen read to them.
Please continue to reinforce the important message of 'World Book Day' at home with your child. Encourage them to choose to read for pleasure and read lots of stories to them too!
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
As always, a busy week of learning in Cherry Tree Class this week. We have also had our best week for attendance in quite a while so well done to all the children!
This week in English we have continued to use the story of 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. The children have written recounts as The Fox. They have made sure that they have written in the first person and retold his story to include his feelings and actions.
In Maths we have started our unit of work on 'Fractions'. This week we have been learning about equal and unequal and finding half of numbers, shapes and objects.
On Wednesday we had our special visitor 'James Ketchell'. The children enjoyed listening to his adventure stories and asked some very sensible questions too! we have been talking about the qualities he needed to complete such adventures and have tried to include some of these in our attitude to our work.
A reminder that next Thursday is 'World Book Day'. The children can come to school dressed as their 'Inspirational Person' or any Book Character if they want to.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Moore
Mrs Moore (f.moore) on: Cherry Tree Class Blog
A shorter week, for the children, due to Monday's Teacher Training Day. I must admit all week I have felt that I have been on the wrong day!
As always, we have got straight back to work. We have continued our Geography Topic work from last half term comparing Yeadon with Tulum in Mexico. This week we have been learning about the Equator and the North and South Poles. The children used atlases, globes and maps to locate these geographical features / places. We talked about how the Equator is an invisible line across the Earth.
In maths we have been recapping on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. The children have been solving both number sentences and word problems. This week's homework focuses on multiplication and division. Your help, at home, working with your child to learn their 2,5 and 10 Times Tables would be much appreciated. They need to be able to recall both division and multiplication facts for these times tables by the end of Year 2.
In English we have been looking at the story of 'The Smartest Giant in Town'. The children have been sequencing the story and retelling it orally to a partner using some of the key story vocabulary. We have also written a description of the main character George.
Our D.T. (Design and Technology) is also continued from last half term. This week the children have started to make their moving parts page (pictures to follow soon).
A reminder about Reading. Please remember to record all your child's home reading in their red book. Children should be reading a minimum of 3 times each week at home. Thank you for your support with this. Regular reading at home really is vital if children are to improve their fluency and understanding in this important life skill.
Enjoy your weekend.
Mrs Moore