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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Maple Tree - Year 6
  3. Maple Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Maple Tree Class Blog

Maple Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 23.6.23

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


Year 6 had a fantastic start to the week with their Market Day Event as part of their 'Grow a £5 Challenge' . The children have worked really hard to think of ways to grow their £5 and there was a range of games and stalls selling cakes, fudge, cookies, bookmarks and sweets. The next Market Day Event will be on Tuesday 4th July from 2-4pm.



Next week, is Bikeability week. The children have been told which days they will be cycling. Appropriate clothing and sun cream should be worn as the children will be outside for several hours.

Parts have now been given out for the school production. Children should be learning these lines over the weekend ready for a script rehearsal on Monday.

Enjoy the weekend

Mrs Trotter



Weekly Update 16.6.23

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


A very warm week in school!

Year 6 have made the most of the amazing weather this week and have enjoyed some additional Sports Day preparation. The field has been a perfect location with lots of shade under the trees. Water bottles, hats and sunscreen are essential this time of year. 

Production rehearsals have commenced this week with learning songs and a script read through. I have been impressed with the fabulous reading and enthusiasm the children have shown. Despite being uncertain, they have surprised themselves and it has been lovely to see some potentially great performances beginning. Individual parts will be allocated next week. 

The children received their £5 investment for the 'Grow a £5' challenge and have planned both individually and in groups how they will make a profit. This has been supported in maths lessons by discussing profit and loss in a variety of problem solving questions. The first Market Day Event will be held on Monday 19th June 2-4pm. Parents and carers are invited to visit after school to see the super selection of stalls and children in school can visit during the afternoon. A second Market Day Event will be held on Tuesday 4th July 2-4pm. Children taking part will need to be in school until 4pm on these days.

Year 6 also had a talk on online safety this week. This remains an important message, particularly as children become more independent. Included below is a link with useful information for parents      

As you can see, Year 6 are having a busy time and it will be getting even busier!!!

Enjoy another sunny weekend.

Mrs Trotter                  

Weekly Update 9.6.23

Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog


Well the final half-term of primary school has arrived and it's going to be a busy one!

The Year 6s who are moving to Benton Park enjoyed their transition day on Tuesday. The next transition day for Benton Park is on the 20th June.

The transition day for Guiseley School is Tuesday 27th June.

Letters went home this week for Bikeability and the 'Grow a £5' challenge. Please can these be returned by Monday 12th June.

In class this week, our PSHE lesson focused on how we can look after our physical, emotional and mental health. I was impressed by discussion that resulted and we will continue to think about this in the remaining weeks off the half-term. My maths group have been completing activities linked to their transition to secondary school and learning a little about a few famous mathematicians such as Archimedes. In English, independent writing of persuasive leaflets has been taking place and self-editing and improving work is being encouraged. These are the skills needed for secondary school. We enjoyed a lovely, sunny PE lesson preparing for Sports Day and in particular the relay race.

We have even more things to fit in next week! 

The weekend is looking like it's going to be a sunny one so enjoy!

Mrs Trotter          

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