Ash Tree Class Blog
Ash Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 24.3.23
Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
I would like to start this week by saying a huge well done to all of the Year 5's for their performances of Joseph this week! The shows were absolutely fantastic and it was clear to see how much time and effort they (and the staff involved!) have put in over the last few weeks, and how much they enjoyed it!
Aside from all the excitement of the performances, we have been completing assessments in class this week. Ash Tree have worked so hard and really given it their all.
We have also had lots of UKS2 sporting activities this week with a home football fixture and a tag rugby event! All the children who took part in these events also did a great job of representing the school.
Have a good weekend and have some well deserved rest UKS2!
Miss Bairstow
Weekly Update 17.3.23
Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
This week we were very lucky to receive a visit from the U.K's only Maya archaeologist and expert - Dr Diane Davies. Dr Diane spent the morning with UKS2 and led a fascinating, interactive talk in the hall and also workshops in the classrooms. Ash Tree really enjoyed learning more about the Maya and busting some myths! The children were even able handle some very precious artefacts and practise their own archaeology skills. Dr Diane picked out a small handful of Maya experts too who she said were more than welcome to join her team in the future!
We held a meeting for parents on Tuesday of this week about the upcoming Y6 residential. We have uploaded the PowerPoint we shared and the parent information booklet onto both the Ash and Maple Tree Class homepages under the "Useful Documents" section. If you did not attend the meeting, your child will also be sent home with a paper copy of the booklet this week. It is not long now until we go to Peat Rigg so if you do have any further questions about this trip please get in touch ASAP.
Have a good weekend!
Miss Bairstow
Weekly Update - 10.3.23
Miss Bairstow (d.bairstow) on: Ash Tree Class Blog
This week Year 5 have been busy practising for "Joseph" as their performance gets closer. I can't wait to see it myself!
Year 6 have also been busy at home with their applications for the Book Fair Takeover Team. Each year we host a Scholastic book fair in school but last year was the first time Year 6 had been involved in the organisation of it. It was a great success so we are doing it all over again this time!
In school, we have been writing balanced arguments about the use of palm oil - an issue which is often debated in the news and links well with out recent rainforest topic. Ash Tree have been given an extra piece of "homework" this week which is to look at products around their homes to see if they contain palm oil and if it sustainably sourced or not. We found out this week that due to palm oil production and deforestation over 25 orangutans are killed each day. Ash Tree Class now desperately want to "adopt" an orangutan with the WWF so look out for further updates to see if we succeed with this!
In maths, Mrs Trotter's group have been learning about area, perimeter and volume. Miss Bairstow's group have been learning about equivalent fractions and decimals.
Have a good weekend!
Miss Bairstow