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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 2, ending 16 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these pupils this week.

Reader of the Week: Sheldon

Special Mention Pupil: Violet

World Music has greeted the children every morning – there has been quite a ‘zen’ atmosphere to start our day!

In English, we have continued to read our novel, Darwin’s Dragons, and this week, the children have completed a variety of tasks, which have furthered their understanding of the plot so far. I think a highlight was looking at and learning about the prickly pear cactus, which is found on the Galapagos Islands and then creating a little information booklet.

In Maths, we have completed our shape work on angles – now the children should know how many degrees are in a right angle, a straight line and also a full turn. Test them and check that they do!

PE sessions were fun again this week, as the Y5s spent time with our Y3s, teaching them the finer art of bowling and catching for rounders. The weather was super-hot again, so we also spent some of the time reading with the Y3s in the shade. It was encouraging to see how supportive the children were with their younger peers. (I am really hoping to have been able to put some photos of this session onto our class gallery!)

We had an important message delivered to us on Tuesday, by an IT expert, about Internet Safety. We have had a few discussions since and I think it would be worthwhile for you to visit this site, to continue the open discussions with your child: 

Hope you have a pleasant and sunny w/end.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 2, ending 16 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these pupils this week.

Reader of the Week: Sheldon

Special Mention Pupil: Violet

World Music has greeted the children every morning – there has been quite a ‘zen’ atmosphere to start our day!

In English, we have continued to read our novel, Darwin’s Dragons, and this week, the children have completed a variety of tasks, which have furthered their understanding of the plot so far. I think a highlight was looking at and learning about the prickly pear cactus, which is found on the Galapagos Islands and then creating a little information booklet.

In Maths, we have completed our shape work on angles – now the children should know how many degrees are in a right angle, a straight line and also a full turn. Test them and check that they do!

PE sessions were fun again this week, as the Y5s spent time with our Y3s, teaching them the finer art of bowling and catching for rounders. The weather was super-hot again, so we also spent some of the time reading with the Y3s in the shade. It was encouraging to see how supportive the children were with their younger peers. (I am really hoping to have been able to put some photos of this session onto our class gallery!)

We had an important message delivered to us on Tuesday, by an IT expert, about Internet Safety. We have had a few discussions since and I think it would be worthwhile for you to visit this site, to continue the open discussions with your child: 

Hope you have a pleasant and sunny w/end.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 1, ending 9 June 2023

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Welcome back after half term!

Well done to these pupils this week.

Reader of the Week: Seth

Special Mention Pupil: Henry

We have started this half term with a full and varied week.

Our new PE sessions of Rounders and Tennis were well-received by the children – please keep your fingers crossed for warm and pleasant weather on Tuesdays and Wednesdays for the next six weeks, so our lessons can happen without rain!

Because the weather forecast for Friday was so warm, I made the decision not to do the Weekly Mile – but it has been great seeing the children from Oak Tree Class join in each lunchtime with the extra physical activities that Sam has organised. This is in a bid to keep our children moving. We are ever conscious that many children (not all!) would prefer to pick up a game controller nowadays for entertainment, rather than run a round for a while; this should help to raise every pupil’s fitness level.

I am so proud of the published pieces of work on Darwin’s Dragons that we concluded this week in our English lessons. I hope you will be too! In these tasks, the children have been allowed to choose four different text types to write in – the results have been stunning! And I have been particularly impressed by their presentation skills too – excellent handwriting (in pen!) and fantastic illustrations with captions.

In Maths, we continue to work on the Y5 concepts – this unit is all about the properties of shapes. We are particularly looking at angles – acute, obtuse, right and reflex. See how many angles you can find in real life during this weekend!

Homework is a revision of the method for subtraction.

Have a super weekend – see you next week.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 6, ending 26 May 2023

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these superstars from Oak Class!

Reader of the Week: Isabella

Special mention Pupil: Archie

Reading Ambassador: Oliver

Our week has been accompanied by Male Music Legends, during our Early Bird Maths tasks. It is true to say that Michael Jackson was the firm favourite. We haven’t had the same sort of excitement in our sessions as last week, but we have still enjoyed our learning hugely in Oak Tree Class!

Our maths unit on Statistics has been a real winner for this set of children – they have loved working on tables and charts and timetables. I was very happy to see them cope with the tasks and activities they were all set and good progress was made. In English, we have been continuing  to write a creative response to Darwin’s Dragons. Clearly the children are enjoying this book, according to their excellent book reviews on Thursday. We shall finish these in the first week back after our break.

We finished our Athletics sessions in PE, by working alongside our Y3 pupils – it was a treat for Miss Sims and me to witness the collaborative learning that was taking place for the hour. (And the weather was lovely, so it was a double pleasure!)

Homework this week is a little bit different. ALL children will bring home spellings, but for some children, who I feel still need a bit of a reminder or a boost in their arithmetic skills, I am sending home a set of calculations for them to work through. (It has been quite a while since we have done multiplication and division, so these are timely reminders before the move up to Y6. Thank you for your support in these tasks.)

I hope you all have a lovely half term week planned.


Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 5, ending 19 May

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these pupils from Oak Class!

Reader of the Week: Charlie

Special mention Pupil: Joseph


Wow! Wow! Wow! What a fantastic week we have had in Oak Tree Class! We definitely did some Maths and English – all going very well at this point in the term – but the highlight has totally been our ‘Day of Art’ on Wednesday. Mr Laughton came to Rufford Park Primary and helped the children learn much more about birds and their feathers, as well as instructing the children to create amazing images of birds. The children made detailed sketches from actual feathers first, then they used chalk pastels and created impressive bird images on black card.

After Mr Laughton had demonstrated strategies for drawing a bird (a kingfisher), Oak Tree pupils spent much of the afternoon drawing a detailed sketch of a bird of their choice. These results were stunning. I was so proud of how well they interacted with our visitor (he said he thought they were very well behaved and a ‘fun’ class!) and was impressed with how much they had learned from the morning’s activities.

In Science, due to our topic on the circulatory system, we identified all the components of blood and had a go at making it! Such fun! Quite gross, but we loved it. Your child should now know all about the components of blood AND be able to tell you about how our blood becomes oxygenated (now our favourite scientific word!).

PE has also been splendid this week – more athletics (this time we worked on Throwing) and we had yet another super Dance session with Alex on a Friday afternoon. Again, another visiting teacher who seems to enjoy working with Oak Tree Class.

Homework is Spellings and Maths again. The Maths is all about Area, which we have been working on for the past couple of weeks.

Have a lovely weekend – let’s hope the sun shines.

Surely it is nearly Summer?!                   



Mrs Adrienne Amos

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