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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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  1. Classes
  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 1, ending 8 September 2023

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Welcome to Year 5!

It has been a very enjoyable week in Oak Tree Class and was lovely to meet so many of you in the Meet the Teacher sessions on Wednesday. I look forward to getting to know your child (and all of you!) over the coming academic year.

As well as a variety of ‘Getting to know you’ activities, we have spent some time recapping the writing and grammar skills learned in y4 and also revisited place value, addition and subtraction, as reminders for our work in the coming weeks. Also, we have started our Autumn Term topic, The Victorians, which I know the children are really excited about. (If you happen to have anything in your attics/lofts/storage boxes which might help to boost the children’s experience of the Victorians, then I would love to hear about it! You can email me at

Our PE days, as it already states on the website, are Mondays and Thursdays and in Y5, we continue to send homework out on Fridays and expect its return the following Wednesday. This week, it is simply a task to find and learn weekly spellings.

Each week, in Oak Tree Class, the children will hear a different genre of music as they enter the classroom in the mornings. This week it has been the turn of SKA. They have loved tapping their feet along to Madness and the Mighty, Mighty Boss Tones among others! I hope the children will talk about these themes over the year.

The children have settled superbly this week, I feel – this is a delightful group to be working with! But should you have any issues, please do not hesitate to contact me – either by email (using the address above) or by stopping by at the end of the day. (Mornings are always very busy, so this possibly isn’t the best chance to chat.)

I hope you have a lovely weekend!


Mrs Adrienne Amos


Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these pupils:

Special mention – Olivia

Reader of the Week – Alisha

Oak Tree’s Reading Ambassador – Violet


And we have made it!!

The final week has continued in true ‘busy’ style – we have finished our Maths unit on Position and Direction and we have perfected a method for division (Some very brave pupils have also learned how to master Long Division – the Holy Grail of Maths in Y6!!!).

As well as this, we have celebrated the end of term in style!

Thanks to you all for your gifts and your support – have a super summer holiday.

On Tuesday we had an Assembly led by a local Librarian telling us about the Summer Reading challenge. This is run in libraries across the country to encourage children to visit libraries and continue to read throughout the 6-week break from school.  

This year's Summer Reading Challenge theme is 'Ready, Set, Read!' and aims to keep children's minds and bodies active over the summer break. Children can read anything they like – stories, poetry, fact books, graphic novels or listen to audiobooks – it’s up to them!  The books (physical or digital) can be borrowed from the library, and we recommend reading at least six books over the summer, with a Ready, Set, Read! reward for each of the six books they read. Once they have read their sixth book, they complete the challenge and will be awarded a certificate and medal. And best of all, it’s completely FREE! 

Saturday 22nd July is Sign-up Saturday in Leeds, which is a dedicated time in libraries for joining the Summer Reading Challenge. There'll be a real buzz in our buildings on this day, as well as a range of self-serve activities, including a hunt for the Ready, Set, Read! characters among our bookshelves.  

Summer Reading Challenge - find out more 

Ready Set Read! promo 


All the best

Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 6, ending 14 July

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to the following pupils from Oak Tree Class:
Special Mention: Kai
Reader of the week: George
The week started off (and ended, it appears!) in a wet way - with Sport's Day on Monday. But the children really enjoyed themselves taking part in the races; the highlight for me was the Y5 relay - it was so good to see and hear all the children cheering their classmates on. 
We have all enjoyed working on Position and Direction in maths, pausing to recap division today. 
(There are a few pupils who are struggling still with methods for multiplication and division, mainly due to their inconsistent times table knowledge. If you think this might be your child, could I please ask that you continue to spend time recalling these important number facts? Thank you!)
It is our Ukulele Finale on Monday morning. It would be wonderful if we had a healthy audience to perform to. We are lucky to have some mums on FORP who have agreed to help serve tea and coffee so you are able to drop your children off, have a quick drink and then see the short concert from 9:15am. I am continually impressed by the progress Oak Tree Class has made in learning the ukulele. I am sure you will be too!
Hope to see you on Monday!
Mrs Adrienne Amos

Week 4, ending 30 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

A huge congratulations to the pupils this week for their hard work and dedication.  Mrs Amos has been out of school on a 3 day training course this week (Wednesday to Friday) so this week's blog comes from Mr Fone's and a couple of children from Y5 Oak:

Special Mention: Maizie-Lou
Reader of the Week: Joe
Assistant writers for the blog this week: Maizie-Lou and Oscar
This week we have been practicing decimals in maths which the pupils have taken to with great success.  Many of the students have been able to not only complete their work quickly and correctly but challenge themselves and other members of the class with increasingly complex equations. They are now firmly secure in their ability to add and subtract numbers with 2 or more decimal places.
We have continued with our class text Darwin's Dragons where pupils have been planning out a descriptive piece of writing in relation to the volcanic tunnels that our main character has entered. The pupils have excellently described the sinister and menacing atmosphere of the tunnels and brought a great deal of creative writing to this work.
Some children visited the Leeds book awards this week and greatly enjoyed their trip. 
As well as this, pupils have taken part in a music session this week in which they learnt how to play the drums.
To round off the week pupils have been creating films for their computing work in which they have planned, designed and used green screen to produce short films. The enthusiasm that they have shown for this work has been fantastic.
Finally, this week we have been looking into precious objects or family heirlooms as part of our R.E work. As such if there are any items that pupils would be comfortable bringing into school or even taking photos of and bringing them in to show the class that would be brilliant. 
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Mr Matthew Fones

Week 3, ending 23 June

Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Much of this week has been dominated by our end of year assessments and I have been really encouraged by how mature Oak Tree Class has been about them. They have worked quietly and diligently and all children were most keen to show the progress they have made this year.

And apart from PE and Ukuleles, our other main concern has been to provide a piece of artwork for the ALPT art project, this year with the theme of CELEBRATIONS. (You may have already heard that we decided to go down the route of Cadbury’s Celebrations, rather than kingly celebrations!!)

In our art sessions, we have evaluated the sweet wrapper designs, copied them and then created a pattern, using similar colours, shape and styles from one chosen chocolate. These were then represented on a puzzle piece and six lovely final collaboration pieces were created. They look fantastic and the amount of detail in some is just phenomenal!

Homework this week is spellings and place value work.

Enjoy your long weekend!


Mrs Adrienne Amos

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