Cedar Tree Class Blog
Cedar Tree Class
Week 6 Cedar Spring 1 w.e Thur 13.02.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
We have had a lovely end to the Spring 1 half term. The children's ideas on how to end a real life adventure story have been wonderful - some pilots survived the erupting volcano...some didn't. The children have put together their Scratch Computer programming skills and created a series of characters (sprites) that are all very musical, set against a variety of backdrops. In Maths we have been using the phrase 'The whole has been divided into ? equal parts' to help us with calculating the denominators for our fractions. In Reading we have continued with our class novel 'Kidnap in the Caribbean' and also volcano related texts such as poems too. In Music, the children have performed their final recorder compilation using the skills they have honed this half term with Mr Fones - they have made great progress. Below is a link as part of this year's safer internet day - schools are increasingly aware of children viewing potential harmful material through a variety of means which also include games such as Roblox or videos viewed on Youtube. The children have learned a lot about online safety this term during PSHE and will also be doing more in the first week back in Spring 2.
Have a fun and safe half term holidays.
Mr Dring
Cedar - Spring 1 week 5 w.e 07.02.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
This week we have started drafting our endings to the real life story from 1992 about a helicopter pilot who survived crashing into a volcano. We have really enjoyed using drama to explore language of emotion and show not tell devices. For example, they were in peril, in mortal danger, he could hear his heartbeat pound in his ears. In Reading, we have continued to practise our retrieval and inference skills using our class novel 'Kidnap in the Caribbean.' In Music, the children continue to develop their recorder playing skills and are really making progress. In P.E, they have continued to practise and hone their skipping skills with Sam our PE coach, Mr Fones and myself. A few parents have asked what they can do to support their child best and I would always suggest mental maths skills such as number bonds to 100 reminders, all of the times table facts up to 12x12, spelling of the first 200 common exception words e.g people, school or neat and legible handwriting/letter formation.
Reminder - next week (Week 6) for the children is a 4 day week with school being closed for our next teacher training day.
Have a lovely weekend
Mr Dring
Cedar Spring 1 week 4 w.e 31.01.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
Good afternoon
This week we have started our new narrative unit linked to a helicopter pilot who survived crashing into a volcano! We are developing ideas on alternative endings we could write in our descriptive writing. In Reading, we have used non-fiction texts to learn what the inside of volcanoes look like. In Geography, we finished mapping the course of the River Wharfe and River Aire and have started to think how life in Leeds can be compared to other parts of the world. In Maths, we have been calculating perimeter in Year 3 and rectilinear perimeter in Year 4. We are all enjoying learning about everything to do with sound in Science too.
Year 4s: those remaining parents who haven't yet returned your child's E1 medical form please do so as we are unable to take your child on the trip without this information.
Have a wonderful weekend
Mr Dring
Cedar Spring 1 week 3 w.e 24.01.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
Year 4 parents please see the links the slides for information from last night's parents residential meeting and a copy of the documents we need returning in order for your child to participate in this exciting opportunity. If you have any further questions please contact Mr Kyriacou as visit lead or the school Office in the first instance, or myself to ensure we can cater for all of your child's needs prior to the residential in March.
All Cedar parents - The children have used their enthusiasm for all things volcanic this week and have finished publishing their diary accounts of the real life volcano survivors Sue and Bruce. This work will form part of their ongoing assessments. In Geography, we have continued our learning about our local area and in Science the children were able to use a 3-d model of inside a human ear to help them understand how sound is heard through vibrations. In Computing we have been programming sprites as part of our computer coding skills using the software programme Scratch. As per school's safety policies - please ensure children remove all jewellery prior to attending school on PE days (Tuesday, Friday) as staff are unable to assist the removal of these items in school and it also helps minimise any personal or sentimental items being lost. Thank you.
Year 4 residential essential documentation
Year 4 residential parent meeting slides
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mr Dring
Cedar week 2 Spring 1 w.e 17.01.25
Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class
What a busy week. Please see the attached photo, in Geography, we explored our local area using fieldwork skills and a variety of map skills across a range of scales. In Maths, year 3 have started measuring accurately in m, cm and mm whilst Year 4 have started to use the expanded multiplication method (see link below). In English, we have started to plan our diary based on the real life experiences of Sue and Bruce who survived a volcanic eruption when camping in the USA in 1980. During Computing we will explored computing programming using software called Scratch. In our Mindmate lesson we explored how we can feel a range of emotions and looked at a variety of vocabulary to help us describe how we are feeling.
Expanded column method for multiplying
Have a wonderful weekend
Mr Dring, Mr Fones, Mrs Wakefield, Miss Sanderson and Mr Turner.