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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Cedar Tree - Year 3/4
  3. Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class Blog

Cedar Tree Class

Cedar week 2 Spring 1 w.e 17.01.25

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


What a busy week. Please see the attached photo, in Geography, we explored our local area using fieldwork skills and a variety of map skills across a range of scales. In Maths, year 3 have started measuring accurately in m, cm and mm whilst Year 4 have started to use the expanded multiplication method (see link below). In English, we have started to plan our diary based on the real life experiences of Sue and Bruce who survived a volcanic eruption when camping in the USA in 1980. During Computing we will explored computing programming using software called Scratch. In our Mindmate lesson we explored how we can feel a range of emotions and looked at a variety of vocabulary to help us describe how we are feeling.

Expanded column method for multiplying

Have a wonderful weekend

Mr Dring, Mr Fones, Mrs Wakefield, Miss Sanderson and Mr Turner.

Cedar Spring 1 w.e 10.01.25 Week 1

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Happy new academic year. Thank you for ensuring your children were able to attend lessons this week safely. I'm always delighted by the children's enthusiasm for their learning and this week has been no exception. In Geography, we created our own volcanic eruptions - so be prepared you may be asked if you have any washing up liquid this weekend to practise at home! The red food colouring was particularly vibrant against the snow and ice. In English, we have been learning about the real life experiences of Sue and Bruce who survived a volcanic eruption when camping in the USA in 1980 (just within living memory for some of us). We will be using their experiences to help us write a diary. In Maths, we continue to develop our multiplication and division skills. During Computing we will be exploring computing programming using software called Scratch. In, PE we have practised our skipping skills - Year 4 in particular honing their skills for the inter-school Skipping competition in Spring 2.

Reminder - please put your child's names into their clothes as we have lots of black gloves and blue coats that have had to go to the school lost property as no-one has claimed them or recognised them as theirs/their child's.

Have a safe and fun weekend.

Mr Dring, Mr Fones, Mrs Wakefield, Miss Sanderson and Mr Turner.

Cedar w.e 20.12.24 Week 7

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our Seasonal Showcase - we are so proud of every child who all sang and contributed to making it a great success. The children love to see you all and haven't stopped talking about how you asked for an encore and clapped so much. It ha been great for me as their teacher to see the progress they have all made already this year in boosting/developing their confidence to share their ideas to ever increasing audiences.

We hope you liked the children's Coco Chanel (Art) inspired hats they brought home yesterday - they have really immersed themselves in our European Artists unit this term. They were also very enthusiastic to take part in our class debate about whether the Ancient Romans had a positive or negative impact on Britain and presented some very persuasive arguments.

Finally, a thank you to you all for the support you give your children and for always communicating with us promptly so that we can ensure we are meeting all fo your child's needs.

N.B - new year - Year 4 no swimming until the second week back as the leisure centre is not open to schools in Week 1.

Please all have a happy, safe and fun Christmas holiday and we look forward to sharing more of your child's learning in the New Year

Mr Dring and the LKS2 team.

Cedar Week 6 w.e 13.12.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


We have had an action packed week with enthusiastic rehearsing of our poetry, singing and narration for our Seasonal Showcase, completing our final Science investigations into evaporation and sketching portraits linked to the artist Salvador Dali. Our next Art project is to create hats inspired by another European Artist - Coco Chanel. 

In Computing we evaluated our latest Roman stop motion animations with added effects and also discussed how to create 'help not harm' when online.

Thank you to everyone who was able to contribute a donation to the class party food ready for next Friday. A reminder for all children we will have Sam our coach for PE next Friday (20.12.24) but there is no swimming.

Have a great weekend

Mr Dring

Cedar Week 5 w.e 06.12.24

Mr Dring (p.dring) on: Cedar Tree Class


This week the children have wowed me with their resilience whilst undertaking their end of term reading and maths assessments. I look forward to their results. Our Year 4 children have also continued to practise their times table skills ready for the DfE test in 2025.

In English, we have continued to hone our descriptive writing skills in finalising our written winter/seasonal poems.

Thank you for everyone who was able to bring in a cereal type box for our Art lessons - I'm sure the children will love to tell you how they used it as part of our European Artists unit over the couple of weeks.

Finally, Cedar class will be welcoming Mr Turner, a student teacher, as an additional adult who will be joining us for Spring half term as part of his university training placement.

Have a wonderful weekend

Mr Dring

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