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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Beech Tree - Year 4
  3. Beech Tree Blog 2021-2022

Beech Tree Class Blog 2023-2024


Beech Tree Blog

Weekly Update-8/7/22

Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Beech Tree Blog

Hello everyone,

This week, we have been focusing on poetry. We have discussed what poems do, what they look like, how we read them and how we perform them. The children have been really enjoying it and it's been amazing to see the progression throughout the week. We watched different poets perform their poems, analysed and discussed what we noticed about the way that they read them and the children slowly started to incorporate those things into their own performances. Below are two videos of children performing the poems that they were given. One is called Stegosaur and the other is called My Shadow. 

Performance poetry

Performance poetry 2

Sports Day was also a great success. the children had determined and positive attitudes and it was so lovely to see how supportive they were towards each other. Here are some lovely pictures of the children in action.

Take care,

Mr Kyriacou :)

Weekly Update-1/7/22

Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Beech Tree Blog

Hello everyone, 

This week, in maths we have been collecting data from the class, based around the children's favourite food and we also collected data which revolved around the temperatures throughout the day on Monday and Tuesday. The data was put into excel and for the favourite food data, this was then represented as a digital  bar chart and for the data involving the temperatures throughout Monday and Tuesday, this was then represented as a digital line graph. The children did a great job collecting the data, typing it all up and then turning it into a bar and line graph. The also labelled them with titles and labelled the X and Y axis. The children also used a legend for the line graph, so that anyone looking at it would know which day was which. 

The children also finished painting and decorating their canopic jars. They've done a wonderful job with them and I would definitely mistake them for the real thing!

In science, we have been focusing on using mirrors to reflect light and understanding how we see our reflection, what type of surface creates the best reflection and what the children noticed when looking at their reflection. We experimented with this by writing our names correctly and seeing how they reflected and then we wrote them in reverse and then saw what the reflection looked like. We discussed what they could see in the reflection and why it looked like that. We then tried the mirror maze. A wiggly path was created around the classroom and the children were tasked with only being able to look up at the mirror and use the reflection to guide them around the maze. The children absolutely loved this and we discussed what made this task so tricky.

Mr Kyriacou :)

Weekly Update-24/6/22

Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Beech Tree Blog

Hello everyone,

This week we have been doing lots of assessments in Beech Tree. I am very happy and proud to say that the children have scored absolutely fantastic results. I can't believe how much progress they have made throughout the year. They are a very hardworking class, who want to learn, who listen to the advice given and who want to achieve their full potential, and that is exactly what they've done! Brilliant work, Beech Tree!

Thanks :)

Mr Kyriacou

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