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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog


Willow Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 1.4.22

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone!

We have had a busy week in Willow Tree Class with the Easter Bunny coming to visit and inviting us to an Egg Scramble, writing letters to Jamila Gavin (the author of Grandpa Chatterji) and to Nell Bank to say thank you and, of course, presenting our Fairtrade projects about a variety of countries around the world. 

The children have worked extremely hard this half term and I am incredibly impressed with how they have pushed themselves to be the very best they can be. I have seen a huge improvement in their reading fluency and understanding and their mathematics skills, in particular their ability to recall the multiplication facts. 

Over the Easter Holidays, please make sure to keep reading, I am seeing more and more children achieve their Weekly Reading Reward (for reading once a day, 5 times a week) and I hope that this will continue to be the case as we enter the Summer Term. I will be sending home Times Tables Award tests for children to practise and the children can also use Hit the Button or TT Rockstars. 

Have a lovely, restful break and a very Happy Easter, 

Miss Simms

Weekly Update 25.3.22

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone!

What a glorious week we have had with the weather and the week has only been improved even more by the children's fantastic attitude to assessments and, of course, our very exciting trip to Nell Bank. 

We kickstarted the week with a round of termly assessments in reading and maths and the children have performed admirably, making considerable progress and showing me just how determined they are to show off their skills. Every single one of the children should be very proud of themselves, I certainly am! 

On Thursday, we had the Year 3 trip to Nell Bank in Ilkley. We started the day with a walk through the woods, looking at different types of trees and trying to spot some different animals. We then moved onto the Pond Dipping activity, searching through the pondweed to try and find all sorts of creatures - we were very excited to find lots of newts! After lunch in the sun, we went hunting for minibeasts and had a go at categorising any that we found by the number of legs it had. Just before we returned home, the children practised their map reading skills by doing some Orienteering around the Nell Bank grounds - a fantastic end to a lovely day! 

Pictures from the day can be found here on the class page.

Please remember to have projects ready to present on Monday 28th of March. There will be time to present these in class so any powerpoints or videos will need to be sent to the Willow Class email address before Monday morning. 

Please continue to keep reading, I have been very pleased to see that lots more children are reading more and more frequently and this is clearly having the desired effect given the recent reading assessments!

We will be finishing the term with a Times Table Awards test so make sure to keep practising for your Bronze, Silver, Gold and Super Gold ready for next Wednesday.

Have a fabulous weekend! 

Miss Simms 

Weekly Update 18.3.22

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

This week we have started our new topic of Mass and Capacity in maths and the children have made an excellent start at understanding how to measure the weight of different items. 

In English, we have consolidated our understanding of the story of Grandpa Chatterji through a variety of different tasks focusing on a range of comprehension skills. 

In science, we have continued our work on Living Things and their Habitats and have quizzed our classmates about vertebrates and invertebrates. 

Thank you to the many children who brought in cakes to sell at the Bake Sale to support families in Ukraine and we hope to see many of you there tonight. 

Please continue to send in your Fairtrade Research Project, I am excited for the children to present these to the class. Presentations can be emailed to me via the class email address. 

Have a fantastic weekend and let's hope the gorgeous weather continues!

Miss Simms 

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