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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog


Willow Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 21.7.23

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

What a truly wonderful final week we have had in Willow Tree Class! 

We have had lots of fun celebrating our time in year 3 and had a great boogie at the LKS2 disco. It has been a fantastic year and I am very proud of all the children in the class. They have made so much progress and should be very proud of themselves. I wish them all the best in year 4 and I look forward to seeing them around school!

A huge thank you to all of you as well. The amazing progress of these children would not have been possible without your support at home so thank you. 

I am extremely grateful for all the kind words, gifts and cards that you have gifted me over the past year and I wish you all a lovely Summer holiday. 

With love and best wishes, 

Miss Simms

Weekly Update 14.7.23

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a very busy penultimate week of the academic year in Willow Tree! 

We started the week with our fantastic, if a little wet, Sports Day and the children enjoyed participating in lots of exciting races! Well done to the Blue House who were the overall winners of Sports Day!

In English, we have learnt all about haikus and we look forward to writing our own version next week. 

In maths, we have interpreted bar charts and created our own representation of data we collected throughout the week. 

This afternoon, we had a visit from two members of the Aireborough Rotary Club who gifted the Year 3 children with their very own dictionary. We will be keeping these in school for the children to use when they move up to Year 4. 

As we look towards the final week of the school year, we understand that children are growing out of their school uniform however children should still be attending school in the correct uniform with black shoes. They should only wear PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday next week. 

Next week, we will be getting bookbags and reading records sorted for the next academic year so please ensure you send your child to school with their reading record and book bag on Tuesday. We will be keeping these in school over the Summer holidays. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Simms

Weekly Update 30.6.23

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

Even after last week's fantastic efforts with the assessments, it has been pleasing to see that the children continue to work their socks off in their lessons!

In maths, we have looked at 3D shapes and had lots of fun using spaghetti and marshmallows to create 3D shapes based on their properties. 

In English, we have finished our stories and celebrated the work of some of the children in our class - well done to Enid, Kourtney and Morgan for producing some great stories!

Homework will be sent home tonight and is due in on Wednesday.

A polite reminder that our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and correct PE kit should be worn on these days with normal school uniform and black school shoes on other days. We appreciate that we are reaching the end of the school year but please make every effort to send your child in the correct uniform. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Simms

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