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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog


Willow Tree Class Blog

Weekly Update 7.10.22

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

It has been a strange week with the weather this week but in Willow Tree Class things have carried on as usual! The children continue to make good progress and are becoming much more independent. This has been fantastic to see!

In English, we have written our final copy of our recount for Murton Park and I have been so impressed with the standard of writing. In maths, we have started our new topic of addition and subtraction and have used our knowledge of the place value columns to add and subtract 1, 10 and 100 to a number.

In Art, we have continued our work on European Artists and studied Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel. We even had a go ourselves at drawing some upside down pictures!

Homework will be sent home tonight and is due on Wednesday. Please make sure all parts are completed. Don't forget to keep reading this weekend and make a note of any time your child has read so that we can award the prizes next week. 

I look forward to seeing you all on Tuesday and Wednesday at the Parents' Evening. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Simms

Weekly Update 30.9.22

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone,

We have had a really exciting week in Year 3 Willow Tree. On Wednesday, we had our trip to Murton Park where we turned into Roman soldiers for the day. We had lots of fun finding all about where and how they lived as well as completing some of the activities that they would have needed to do. We started off by practising our sword fighting and javelin throwing skills and then, after lunch, we used clay to create some Roman-style oil lamps. The children had a brilliant day and were fantastic ambassadors for the school. Pictures from the day can be found on the Willow Tree Class Page. 

We have used this trip as the basis for our English lessons this week and we will shortly be writing a recount all about it. In maths, we have continued looking at numbers up to 1000 and will be finishing our place value topic next week by looking at greater than and less than signs. 

Homework will be sent home today and is due back in on Wednesday. Please ensure your child completes all the activities on the sheet, including both spelling activities (the spelling menu can be found at the back of the book). For the maths, your child can also use TT Rockstar and logins for these can be found in your child's Reading Record. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Simms

Weekly Update 23.9.22

K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

We have had a very productive week in Willow Tree Class this week!

The children have consolidated their understanding of finding 10 more or less and 100 more or less than a number in maths.

In English, we have learnt about how Rome was founded by looking at the tragic story of Romulus and Remus. We created some freeze-frames to show different parts of the story to our classmates. 

In Art, we have looked at how primary and secondary colours are made and will be using this knowledge in our next lesson to create a Michelangelo-inspired painting. 

We are looking forward to our trip to Murton Park next Wednesday as this will support our learning all about the Romans. Please remember to pack a coat, a water bottle and a packed lunch (unless you have informed school that your child will need one). 

Homework for this week will be sent home tonight and can be found using the link below. Please put the sheet in your child's homework book and return the completed work by next Wednesday. 

Yr3 Homework Wk 3 Aut 1 19.09.22 (1).pdf

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Simms

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