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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog



Weekly Update 14.10.22

Posted: Oct 14, 2022 by: K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone, 

It was lovely to see you all on Tuesday and Wednesday at Parents' Evening this week and I hope that you are as impressed as I am with the children. 

In our learning this week, we have started a new writing focus of poetry and we began this session by performing 'On the Ning Nang Nong' as a class. We have looked at similes and used our senses to create a simile poem to describe an Autumnal setting. 

In maths, we have been looking at addition on a numberline and the children have worked hard to understand how to exchange ones, tens and hundreds. 

We held the vote for our School Council Representative this morning and would like to say a huge congratulations to Rory for his fantastic speech which secured him enough votes from the class to be chosen as the Willow Tree representative. I am sure you will be a brilliant member of our school council!

Homework will be sent home tonight and is due in on Wednesday. Please continue practising your times tables and number bonds to 10 and 100. 

Have a lovely weekend! 

Miss Simms