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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog



Weekly Update 16.9.22

Posted: Sep 16, 2022 by: K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone!

We have had another great week in Willow Tree Class! The children have really settled into their new learning routines and have tried extremely hard during all their lessons. 

In maths, we have continued looking at place value and advanced to hundreds, tens and ones. Next week, we will be looking at finding 10 and 100 more or less than a number. 

In PE, we started our topic of Lacrosse and the children worked amazingly in groups to practise throwing and catching the ball. 

In English, we have continued to practise our Year 2 skills so that we are ready to begin our new writing topic of recounts next week. 

A few polite reminders:

Children with earrings need to take these out or cover them up for PE. Those who do not will be unable to take part due to safety reasons (if your child cannot take their earrings out then please provide them with tape or plasters). 

Reading records should be brought in to school everyday so that we can keep track of how often children are reading at home. 

Unless it is a PE day, children should come to school with a school jumper and black shoes. Please ensure all uniform is labelled. 

Have a restful weekend, 

Miss Simms