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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog



Weekly Update 22.10.21

Posted: Oct 22, 2021 by: K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Hello everyone!

Well, we made it to half term and what a cracking seven weeks it has been! The children have made so much progress since September and I can't wait to see what happens in the next stage of our journey as Year 3 Willow! 

This week has been very busy with children getting ready to end Autumn 1 with their heads held high!

In science, we have looked at how practice can help our reaction times and looked at how fair testing can make our experiments even more accurate.

In maths, we have recapped our numberline skills and used them to help us with subtraction. After October half term, we will be starting to use column subtraction and, based on their efforts with column addition, I have a suspicion the children will be fantastic at it!

In English, we have put all the skills we have learnt over the past couple of months to good use by writing a recount all about our weekend. The children have included fronted adverbials, conjunctions, adjectives, adverbs and even some subordinating clauses to add extra information to out sentences. 

In history, we have been writing our name with Viking runes and we will be finishing these ready to decorate our classroom with after the half term holiday! 

Yesterday, your child was sent home with a raisin box from FORP association for the "Raisin' Funds" initiative. We have already had some children return theirs today so please try and remember to bring them back on the first Monday. The raisin box can be filled with any loose change you might find lying around the house or any change the children might have earnt! 

Please make sure you all have a good rest over half term but please don't forget to try and ready every day and practice your times tables. I will be setting up the 2s, 5s and 10s on TT Rockstars so see if you can beat the Class High Score of 1 answer every 3.45 seconds! There will also be a prize for children who return to school with 7 signatures in their reading record. 

Thank you for all your hard work this half term.

Have a lovely and restful week, 

Miss Simms