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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  2. Willow Tree - Year 3
  3. Willow Tree Class Blog 2021-2022

Willow Tree Class Blog



Weekly Update 8.10.21

Posted: Oct 8, 2021 by: K Simms (k.simms) on: Willow Tree Class Blog

Good afternoon everyone,

Willow Tree Class have been very busy this week! We have been doing lots of arts and crafts including painting our lovely clay oil lamps from Murton Park, thinking about card designs for the school Christmas Card Competition and decorating our own bookmarks to help us keep track of where we are in our Quiet Reading Time books! 

We have also started our new topic in maths by drawing bar models on the MUGA in chalk to help us with visualising addition and subtraction. In English, we have been reviewing and editing our recounts ready to write up in neat and add to our Wall of Fame. In PE, we have been practicing our handball skills with Fisical and our teamwork skills with GPLS. 

Homework has been sent home today and is due in on Wednesday please.

Children should choose 2 spelling activities from the back of their homework book and use these to practice their new spellings. The English activity involves up-levelling some boring sentences using all the skills we have learnt over the past few weeks, including: fronted adverbials, adverbs, adjectives and conjunctions (in particular, our Golden Word: "because"). 

Please keep going with your times tables and see if you can earn the Bronze Award before the Christmas holidays (2s, 5s, 10s).

I have set the 2x tables on TT Rockstars and children can access this using the login details on the front page of their homework book. 

Have a lovely weekend, 

Miss Simms