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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Pear Tree Class Blog September 2021 - July 2024

Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

Weekly Update 20.5.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

We have had a fun-filled week in Pear Class. The children have all worked really hard this week despite coming up to the end of the half-term. 

In art, we learnt about the sculptor Michelle Reader and the children enjoyed creating their own monsters using recycled materials. 


As part of our topic 'African Adventure' the children used atlases to locate and label different countries in Africa and produced some detailed work.

In English the children re-told the story of 'Handa's Surprise', incorporating all their previous hard work on using adjectives to describe the different animals and fruits from the story. We also acted out and freeze framed key parts of the story which the children really enjoyed. 

In maths the children have learnt about days of the week, months of the year and are beginning to learn how to tell the time on an analogue clock. This week we have learnt about o'clock and next week we will be learning how to read half past. We have also been playing lots of games of 'What's the Time Mr Wolf' to practise reading different times on the clock. 

Next week we will be celebrating the Queen's Jubilee on Friday 27th May before breaking up for a well earned week off. 

I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and see you again on Monday!

Miss Atkinson

Weekly Update 13.5.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

Another busy week has come to an end in Pear Class. 

In English the children have carried on writing about 'Handa's Surprise' and have focused on describing the setting of the story. The quality of the writing this week has been very impressive and I am so proud of every single one of the children for the fantastic progress they have made with their writing this year. 

In maths we have finished learning about different turns (half, quarter, full, three quarter and clockwise and anticlockwise) and will be starting to lean how to tell the time next week. 

As part of our topic work the children discussed what they already know about Africa (mainly the different animals that live there!) and sorted a selection physical and human features found in Africa. Some children in the class have mentioned that they have been to Africa, specifically Egypt and Zimbabwe. If your child has visited any of the countries in Africa and you would be happy to send in some photos from your trip of any landmarks/animals you saw or food that you ate, this would be appreciated. Please email the photos to:

A gentle reminder to please make sure that your child brings a waterproof coat to school every day as the children still play outside at break and lunchtimes even if it is drizzling. Please also make sure that on PE days (Monday and Tuesday) your child takes their earrings out or if this is not possible, their earrings are covered with tape/plasters.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunny weather, 

Miss Atkinson

Weekly Update 5.5.2022

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

We have had a lovely week in Pear Class!

We have started our new topic of 'African Adventure' and read our core text 'Handa's Surprise'. The children had fun tasting some of the different fruits mentioned in the story and they used this experiences to think of some fantastic adjectives to use in their writing. 

In science we have continued learning about different animals, including humans and the children labelled parts of the human body. I was impressed with how much they already knew!  

In maths we have continued learning about half, quarter, three quarter and full turns, as well as introduced the concept of clockwise and anti-clockwise. 

Please make your child brings a coat to school every day, as even if it's raining they will go out to play at lunchtimes. 

I hope you enjoy the (hopefully sunny) weekend!

Miss Atkinson 

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