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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Pear Tree - Year 1
  3. Pear Tree Class Blog 2021 - 2022

Pear Tree Class Blog September 2021 - July 2024

Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

Weekly Update 28.6.24

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

We have had another fun week in Pear Tree Class!

The children sequenced the story of 'Mama Panya's Pancakes' and began to write captions to match their pictures. 

In maths we have recapped how to solve missing number addition and subtraction calculations using number lines and part whole models. 

We have learnt how to read words containing long vowel sounds (e.g. 'unicorn' and 'mango'). 

In PSHE we discussed the meaning of 'private' and which places are private. Next week we are going to be learning about which parts of the body are private. 

On Wednesday 3rd July we will be going to the Yorkshire Wildlife Park to see some African animals in real life! A letter was sent home earlier this week with some reminders about the day. If you missed it, the same information from the letter can be found below:

- Children need to wear their school uniform but can wear trainers as they may be more comfortable for walking in.

· Children’s packed lunch needs to be in a rucksack type bag that they can carry on their backs. They will need to carry this with them during the trip.

· All children need to bring a lightweight waterproof coat just in case it rains. This is an outdoor visit.

· The weather is looking warm and dry so please put sunscreen on your child in the morning rather than sending it with them if you can. It would also be a good idea to send them with a hat for extra protection.

· Packed lunch – please do not send your child with fizzy drinks or any glass containers. We also ask that you avoid nut products as we do have children with allergies. It is nice to have some treats in a packed lunch for a trip but please do not send too many chocolatey or sweet treats as we have a long journey home!

· Children will need their water bottles (containing just water please).

· The coach will be leaving at 9.10 am so please make sure that your child arrives to school on time. We will open the doors a little earlier to give them all time to go to the toilet before we leave.

· It would be helpful if you could wait on the Key Stage 1 playground for children to return from the trip and not outside the school gates. All children will need to come back into school and then meet their adult through their usual cloakroom doors.

Enjoy the weekend and I will see you on Monday!

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 21.6.24

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

Another week has flown by!

The highlight of the week for all of us was Sports Day. All the children tried so hard and demonstrated wonderful sportsmanship by cheering each other on and celebrating their friends' achievements. Thank you to everyone for coming along. 

In English the children wrote their own invitation inspired by our class story 'Mama Panya's Pancakes'. In maths we have recapped doubling and have learnt how we can use doubles to solve (e.g. 2+2=4) to solve near facts (e.g. 2+3=5). 

In PSHE the children enjoyed talking about the ways in which they have changed since they were babies and what they would like to do later in life. A lot of children found it hilarious to think that there was a time when they couldn't walk and talk! Many of them have big aspirations for when they are older including being police officers, teachers, hairdressers, rugby players and owning a zoo part time!

Have a lovely weekend and see you next week!

Miss Atkinson 

Weekly Update 14.6.24

K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Pear Tree Class Blog 2021- 2024

Another week has gone by so quickly. 

In English the children wrote their second diamante poem inspired by the story of Lila and the Secret of Rain. The children worked in groups to create word banks of nouns, adjectives and verbs to help them with their poems. 


In science we started learning about which animals live in different habitats. We went on a walk around the school grounds to try and find some animals. We also combined this with a tree hunt and the children enjoyed identifying different trees based on the shape of the leaves they could see. 


In maths we have spent the week recapping subtraction. We explored different methods of subtraction and also learnt how to use known subtraction facts (e.g. 8 - 3 = 5) to solve subtraction calculations involving larger numbers (e.g. 18 - 3 = 15). 


Homework books were sent out last week and contained a letter detailing the children's final piece of homework in Year 1. In case you missed the letter: 

The children’s homework for the rest of this term is a design and make project linked to Africa. The children will need to design and make a model, at home, of either an African Animal or a Traditional African Instrument. They can be as imaginative as they like and use any materials that they can find.

We will have a display of all the models made before the end of this term and you will be invited to view them at the end of a school day (date to follow).

We are sure the children will have lots of fun doing this and enjoy bringing out their creative side.

Ideas for animals; lion, zebra, elephant, giraffe, monkeys and any other animal native to Africa.

Ideas for instruments; thumb piano, rainmaker (shakers) and drum.

All completed models need to be brought in by Monday 15th July. Please do not bring them in before Wednesday 10th July.

Enjoy the weekend and I will see you again on Monday!

Miss Atkinson

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