Pear Tree Class Blog
Pear Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 14.02.25
Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Pear Tree Class Blog
We are already at the end of another half term and half way through the school year.
In English the children have written a comic strip adventure staring their own Super Veggie. The imagination and creativity we have seen for this terms writing has been amazing! Pear and Lime shared their comics with each other.
In Maths we started the week by recapping addition and subtraction using practical resources. We have also explored numbers up to 100 and how two digit numbers are made of tens and ones
This week is Online Safety Week. As a class we discussed all the fun ways that we can use the internet but also discussed the importance of being safe on the internet. We encourage you to discuss online safety at home and information can be found here:
To finish our short week the children all came to school looking fantastic for the 'Wear What You Love' non-uniform day :)
Have a lovely half term break and I will see you again on Monday 24th February.
Miss Cotterill
Weekly Update 07.02.25
Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Pear Tree Class Blog
This week we have continued with our superhero focus but we have had a new class text to inspire us... SUPERTATO! Everyone has really enjoyed this book and have finished the week with some fantastic character descriptions of Supertato and the mischievous Evil Pea.
In Maths we have concluded our division work with introducing the grouping method. The children have also been continuing to practise counting in 2's, 5's & 10's and finding doubles of numbers.
In Science we have looked at what all animals need to survive (air, water & food). The children made their own survival guide for a chosen animal.
In Art we have been looking at different portrait artists such as Pablo Picasso and Paul Klee. The children have then had a go at creating a portrait inspired by them. Today we started water colour backgrounds ready for our line drawing portraits next week.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Cotterill
Weekly Update 31.01.25
Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Pear Tree Class Blog
In Maths we have been looking at how we can use arrays and repeated addition to find the total of equal groups. We have also had a go at division as sharing between 2 and 5 groups.
In English all the children have written their own version of Traction Man by using their imagination to create his next mission with the Shark Scissors as the villain.
Our Geography topic has been all about the United Kingdom this half term. On Monday we looked at different human and physical features that can be found in the UK. The children worked in groups to sort them. Please take a look at this song which helps children to remember the 4 countries and their capital cities:
In Science we have been looking at the 5 animal groups: Mammals, Birds, Fish, Amphibian and Reptiles. The children have been comparing animals from the same group.
In Computing the children have worked in pairs to create their very own BeeBot mat. Next week they will be using it to plan routes.
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Cotterill
Weekly Update 24.01.25
Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Pear Tree Class Blog
Friday seems to have come around very fast this week... Everyone in Pear Tree has had another fabulous week with lots of hard work and fun.
In Maths we have been looking at how we can use repeated addition to find the total of equal groups. We have also continued practising counting by 2, 5 and 10.
In English we have been sequencing the story of Traction Man and writing thought bubbles for what he might be thinking/feeling at different points in the story. To help us get in to character we did some hot seating. The children all really enjoyed this!
In Art we are looking at different styles of portraits. On Thursday the children drew a portrait of their partner and had a go at using different colour to show emotion.
In PE we have continued with our skipping focus. I have seen so much progress from all the children already! Thank you to those of you who are clearly putting in the extra practice at home :)
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Cotterill
Weekly Update 17.01.25
Miss Cotterill (e.cotterill) on: Pear Tree Class Blog
It has been another chilly week but thankfully we were able to get outside on Tuesday after enough of the snow and ice had melted.
In Maths we have been counting in 2's, 5's and 10's. The children have been using their counting skills to solve repeated additions. Like last week I would encourage you to practise these at home as repetition of the pattern is the best way to learn them! Please see links below for the songs we have been using in class.
Counting in 2's:
Counting in 5's:
Counting in 10's:
In English we have a new focus text 'Traction Man'. The children have all written a fantastic character description about Traction Man using lots of adjectives.
In Science we have been looking at what a plant needs to grow and be healthy. We set up a cress investigation to see how a lack of water and light will effect a plants growth.
In PE this half term we are taking part in the Skipping School. Children will be learning and practising various skipping skills. If you have access to a rope at hope any practise with your child would be greatly appreciated. Skipping is fantastic for developing childrens coordination and gross motor skills :)
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss Cotterill