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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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    3. Leeds Sailing and Activity Centre at Yeadon Tarn

    Leeds Sailing and Activity Centre at Yeadon Tarn

    19 November 2020 (by admin)

    Leeds City Council are proposing to permanently close the Leeds Sailing and Activity Centre at Yeadon Tarn.

    We are asking you to help us in challenging the closure of this professionally run and first-rate facility. Rufford Park Primary has made use of the Centre and your support will help to keep the Centre open.

    Benefits you will lose

    • Local access to professionally qualified outdoor activity instruction to enhance your curriculum
    • A wide range of outdoor activities and water sports which can suite all abilities, including adapted equipment and disability access changing and hoist
    • A full day of adventurous activities, a six week course or just a couple of hours

    What you can do to help

    Below is background information to the closure proposal, the campaign group, Yeadon MP, councillors and the Centre.

    Thanks for your support. If you require further information or would like to get more involved in the campaign for the Centre please contact us on

    Jackie Friend (Co-convener Save LSAC)

    Background Information on Leeds Sailing and Activity Centre

    LSAC provides watersports and outdoor activities in canoeing, kayaking, Stand-up paddleboarding (SUP), sailing, windsurfing, single scull rowing, powerboating, raft building, soft archery, an orienteering course,  problem solving, a traversing wall, an indoor caving experience with disability access, off road and mountain biking, a park with great flora  and fauna and some classroom space.

    The centre has remained closed due to Covid since Lockdown in March 2020.

    On 21st October the Executive of Leeds City Council (LCC) approved a cost saving proposal by Active Leeds to close the centre subject to consultation and full council ratification.

    Over the last 5 years the centres use has been increasing and so has its income although it currently runs at a loss.

    Since 2016 the centre has been used by

    • over 70 different schools with group visits of 6-70 pupils
    • over 50 youth organisations, charities and colleges
    • 66 children a week (fully booked 2019) after school term time and weekend watersports
    • children in school holidays accessing 656 places on full day multi activity camp and a full range of introductory, one and two day watersport courses with national awards
    • organisations that provide diversionary,enhancement or social inclusion activities eg West Yorkshire Police, Leeds Youth Service, charities and faith groups

    In addition the centre runs activities for adults including supported sessions for people with a disability, national qualifications in watersports up to instructor level, weekly "Women on Water” sessions and corporate challenge days.

    Save LSAC was formed in October 2020 in response to the threatened closure of the centre and is open to any organisation or individual who is interested in supporting the campaign.

    Follow the campaign on @SAVELSAC or on our upcoming facebook page “Save LSAC” or email us on

    We ask you to contact your local councillors and MP but you could copy your email to the politicians who cover the area of Yeadon.

    The group is supported by both the Leeds North West MP and the local councillors of Otley and Yeadon.