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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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    3. FSM Reminder 11 May

    FSM Reminder 11 May

    11 May 2020 (by admin)


    Whilst school remains closed to the majority, we will continue to supply daily grab-a-bags for the children at Rufford Park Primary who are entitled to a free school meal.  These packed lunches can be collected from the main office area after 12 noon each day.  If you are not already collecting a packed lunch, please make arrangements to access this service.  A normal grab-a-bag contains a sandwich (there are now various fillings), a pastry, a yogurt, a piece of fruit, a fruit juice drink and something sweet as can be seen in the image.

    For information / as a reminder:

    During the Easter Holiday period, we were unable to provide this service and so FSM vouchers were issued in lieu of these two weeks.  Most families have had these 2 vouchers (£15 per child per week) and school has a record of this.  If you have not received your vouchers, please contact school. 

    We are following Government and Local Authority guidance with regards FSM provision during COVID-19 and whilst we are able to provide a daily meal in the form of a grab-a-bag, no more vouchers have or will be issued.