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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog


Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Weekly Update - 18.12.20

Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hello there, 

Well, that's the first term of this academic year completed! I am so proud of how hard all of the children have worked during the last 14 weeks. It's been a busy term and we've had to get lots of work done but the children have taken it in their stride and have worked tremendously hard. 

We have accomplished lots of great things; enjoyed our fabulous WW2 topic, Light and Electricity focus in science; done some fabulous writing in English and lots of excellent problem solving and arithmetic work in maths. It has been great to watch the children progress from the beginning of the school year to now; I am excited to witness the progress they will make during the Spring term.

This week, the children completed lots of important assessments and then enjoyed the latter part of the week winding down for the Christmas break, watching films, playing games and getting into the festive spirit. 

I hope you all have a happy and safe Christmas and here's to a healthy and positive 2021.

Best wishes, 

Miss Johansson

Weekly Update - 11.12.20

Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hi there

Oak Tree have had another good week in the lead up to Christmas. The children have been working really hard, particularly in maths, to build upon their multiplication and division skills. In English, we have been looking closely at comprehension skills and have enjoyed reading lots more of our fabulous guided reading book 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. Yesterday, we began to watch the film adaptation and the children were engrossed whilst watching, making comparisons to the book and watching the characters come to life! 

We look forward to our final (and very busy!) week of the term next week. There will still be lots of learning going on amidst all the festive fun. Remember, Thursday 17th is our class Christmas party and the children may come to school on this day in non-uniform. We are all very excited! 

Stay safe, 

Miss Johansson

Weekly Update - 4.12.20

Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Well another week in Oak Tree draws to a close and what a fun week it has been!

In English, the children have been evaluating each others setting description work and providing feedback to their peers. It has been really  beneficial for the children to read other children's work and then act upon feedback given to them. We then moved onto dialogue and how to properly punctuate speech within our writing, as after Christmas we will be writing our own stories.

In maths, we have been doing lots of work on multiples, factors and prime numbers, and the children worked extremely hard during their weekly arithmetic paper to improve their scores. Each week, it is great to see more and more children achieving a higher mark in these papers and I know that the children who are managing to get a little further maths practise in at home are seeing progress in class. 

We had an extremely fun DT lesson yesterday, where the children children taste tested 3 different vegetables and evaluated the taste and texture of each. Afterwards, they chose which vegetable they plan to use as a sugar substitute in their WW2 rationed recipes. Click here to see! 

Have a great weekend, 

Miss Johansson

Weekly Update - 27.11.20

Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hi all, 

I hope you are keeping safe and well. It's been another good week in Oak Tree class.

In English, we have moved onto writing setting descriptions of a trench and the children are enjoying using their sentence skills, which they built on last week, to make their writing powerful and interesting to read. They are also focussing on including figurative language i.e. similes and metaphors and are challenging themselves to include as much powerful vocabulary as possible.

In maths, we have moved onto our new learning ,'Multiplication and Division', and we are currently spending time recapping some important components (i.e. factors, multiples and prime numbers) in order to help us with trickier multiplication and division work/problems.

I have had a  good conversation with the children regarding reading at home and how I would like to see them doing more of this to help them progress. It is really important that the children are getting their school reading books changed each week, unless they have a lengthy novel which could take a little longer to get through. I am sending home a nice tip sheet (which you can also access here) detailing ways in which reading can be supported at home, along with a bookmark for the children to have to hand when they are reading to an adult. The bookmark contains good questions you can ask your child whilst listening to them read. 

Keep safe!

Miss Johansson 

PS. The children have been requesting access to the arithmetic paper which they completed yesterday. Please click here to view/download. 

Weekly Update - 20.11.20

Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hello there, 

It has been a busy week in Oak Tree Class! The children have enjoyed editing, improving and writing up their Piano Player character descriptions in English, and in maths, interpreting data within two-way tables. Yesterday, they had lots of fun carrying out their own circuit experiments in science - click here for pictures! 

It's also been lovely to see the children enjoying the new ball-shoot on the KS2 playground and transferring some skills they are learning in their P.E lessons into their break and lunchtimes.

Despite the children not being in school today, it would be beneficial for them to use this time to do some extra reading and/or practise some arithmetic skills.

Have a  great weekend and stay safe,

Miss Johansson 

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