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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Oak Tree Class Blog

Oak Tree Class Blog



Final Weekly Blog - 23.7.21

Posted: Jul 20, 2021 by: Miss Johansson (L.Johansson) on: Oak Tree Class Blog 2020-2021

Hi there, 

Well.. we did it! We made it to the end of the year! The children should be so proud of how hard they have worked and the wonderful progress that each of them have made. It has been an absolute pleasure to teach  Year 5 Oak for my final year at Rufford and I wish the children all the best for their Year 6 journeys. 

We've still had a very busy final week. The children have been finishing off their 'Volume and Capacity' unit of work in maths. In English, they've been building upon key comprehension and grammar skills. It's been the perfect weather for P.E. and I am so impressed with how far the children have come on with their rounders skills.

The disco (on Wednesday) was a blast. It was great to see so many children together having fun, and such a great way to celebrate what has been quite a different year!

On Tuesday, the children took home a letter regarding applying for a secondary school place. It is really important for parents/carers to read this letter and prepare for the online application (which opens on August 1st). Click here to access the letter electronically.

I would like to say a huge thank to all of Oak Tree's parents/carers for their ongoing support throughout this year. I have really enjoyed getting to know all of you and your families and wish you all the best for the future. 

It has been tough to say goodbye to Year 5 Oak today, but I know that they are so ready for a well-deserved break and for their new chapter to begin in September. They are definitely ready for the exciting challenges that Year 6 will bring and I know that they will all make lots of great progress. 

Thank you again for the lovely gifts and cards that the children and parents/carers have so kindly given to me this week - I will really cherish the cards... and enjoy the gifts! 

Best wishes. Stay safe and have a wonderful summer 

Over and out.

Miss Johansson :) 

Useful Information:

White Rose Maths has joined with Morrisons to provide one free workbook per child over the summer holidays. Follow this link to get your child's summer workbook:  explains what parents/carers need to do to get the workbook.