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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Nursery Class News 2023-24

Nursery News 2023-24


Time to say goodbye to our older children as they move on to Apple class. It's always a very sad time of year. We will really miss them but the children are ready to move on and our younger children are ready to step up to be the older children in September. 

It has been a busy but lovely week in Nursery. We really enjoyed the disco and all joined in the fun.  The children have been talking about when they started Nursery and the things they couldn't do!

Thank you so very much for your lovely, kind words, good wishes and very generous gifts and most of all for your support throughout the year. 

Have a fab summer break,

Best wishes from Mrs Sudall and all the Nursery team.


As well as the seaside, we have had a focus on 2D shapes this week; describing straight sides, finding corners and counting the sides. We have named the shapes and used them in lots of craft activities.

The children have talked about their experience of going to the beach and have made castles in the sand tray. Everyone seems to have enjoyed their visit 'next door' and have been very kind to our new starters who have also been in this week. I really can't believe that there are only a few days left of this academic year. This year has flown!!!!

Next week; Disco party, sorting, tidying, visiting Reception.


This week has whizzed by, with lots of opportunities for our older children to chat to the Reception teachers. They all seem very excited to be 'going to big school' and we are trying to make the most of the time they have left in Nursery with fun activities. We all really enjoyed football on the field with some footwork to match the England team and chose bubble play on a very windy day.

Next week; Reception starters stay and play and a look at the 'seaside'.


We managed to keep cool in Nursery this week with lots of water play. We have washed cars, played with boats, Barbies and sea creatures in the water and made our own under the sea pictures. We counted spots on fish and matched the numeral. We read the 'Rainbow Fish' and 'Sharing a Shell' and have added some new words to our vocabulary.

Miss Scott brought in some sunflower plants which the children enjoyed planting in our pots. They have been most diligent at watering them each day.

The children are really sensible when it comes to wearing sunhats and seeking out the shade and can often be heard reminding each other!!!

Next week; more sea creatures.


A lovely week in Nursery rounded off with a fabulous sports day. We are very proud of the children and the way they all participated and tried their best. We even got some sunshine!

Mark making with the chalks outside is very popular at the moment. This helps with fine motors skills and is helping to develop writing and drawing skills. We have used the pirate theme for lots of counting practise and pattern making.

Next week; under the sea



We have been finding out about pirates this week and noticed how different their world is to ours. We had some very convincing role play and scary pirate voices! We have read lots of pirate stories and enjoyed exploring treasure using our senses.

We have been very impressed with how well the children have concentrated in our focus activities this week. They have shown super perseverance too with tricky tasks of using scissors and name writing.

We practised for sports day down on the field. We all really enjoyed ourselves and are looking forward to next week.

Finally, we took advantage of Reception class being at Nell Bank and took the older children to play in apple classroom. The children enjoyed having the chance to explore the space, we looked at the cloakrooms and toilets and checked out the toys. A lovely week.

Next week; more pirates and mermaids.


The children came back smiley and full of energy after half term. We have had a lovely week, with the children coming up with lots of ideas for their play.

Our shoe shop proved popular. The children chose appropriate footwear depending on the weather and compared the size of shoes to their feet before trying on.

We have thought about the season of summer and noticed changes such as lighter evenings. We made our own collage sunshine for when the real one doesn't appear!

We have talked about water and all the ways we use it.

Next week; pirates!


A busy week to end the half term with a very wet Wednesday coinciding with class photographs. The children all listened carefully to the photographer and followed instructions and after around 300 attempts the majority of  people were looking at the camera! 

The children have enjoyed finding worms, slugs and lots of other bugs outside and have helped tidy our garden. We have talked about what to put in our compost bin and which lunch wrappings can be recycled. 

The older children are busy practising pencil control and writing their names.

After half term break-we will talk about summer and water. School reopens on Tuesday 4th June.

Have a super half term break!


We followed the children's interests in snails, ice-cream and our garden flowers this week. We had our own ice cream shop with some very unusual flavours and some interesting customer service styles!

We used our senses to really examine the bluebells which have grown in our garden this year.  We looked at shape, colour, noticed the scent and then the children made beautiful paintings.

We used snails for a mark making and counting focus, created a comfortable habitat so that we could watch how they moved and learned some snail facts. Some children organised the snail Olympics! A fun week!

Next week; recycling.  We break up for half term on Friday 24th May



We have really enjoyed the lovely sunshine this week and have spent lots of time being active outside. The children built obstacle courses, practised jumping and landing safely and used large construction blocks to make paths and roads. We also explored some large tubes, using them as tunnels for cars, a pole to slide down and a loud hailer! Inside we have tried to build the tallest tower and played a game to estimate 'how many'.

Next week; recycling.



It has been a super week in Nursery with your lovely children making our new friends welcome. We have been so impressed with their kindness and how they look after each other. They will often let an adult know if someone needs help and have tried hard to include people in play.

We are starting to prepare the older children to move on to Reception with lots of phonics and number games and by encouraging them to be as independent as they can with coats, shoes, toilet and washing hands. They really enjoy the praise they receive for doing this and for looking after their own things. Story time has also been a pleasure this week with amazing listening and attention from ALL the children.

Next week; Bank Holiday Monday- Nursery is closed. Please remember a named sun hat for when the sun is shining!




This week the children played well in group games that they had created themselves. They decided the rules(or not!) and worked out who was doing what. 

We split into two groups for hall time and the older children got their first taste of 'squiggle'. They have got the moves so next week we will add the mark making part.

We have enjoyed playing out in the brief sunshine and trying out some newly donated bikes and scooters. Inside we have been printing and stamping with various tools and paint.

Next week; More new starters to welcome and talking about Yeadon!



Welcome back to the summer term!

The children returned full of energy, happy to see their friends and to get busy. They had lots to tell us about activities, Easter eggs, outings and chicken pox!

We welcomed our new starters and have played lots of getting to know you games. 

We have used cars in paint for mark making and colour mixing, played counting and shape awareness games and enjoyed using the outdoor area in between the showers.

Lovely to hear that everyone got their first choice of Reception place. Some of the children proudly told us that they are going to 'ception, big school and apple class! 

Next week; Squiggle when you wiggle.


It has been another busy week in Nursery, with lots of change and new things to try.

The children have coped brilliantly with later starts, different staff and an Easter Egg Scramble. They took everything in their stride and were very good sports in the scramble. 

We also had a visit from the Road Safety team, have done lots of Easter crafts and enjoyed the sunshine between the showers.

Next time; please remember the later start at 10.30 on Monday 15th April. We will welcome new starters and will find out about Reception class places.

Happy Easter-have a great, germ free break.


We have really enjoyed playing outside in the brighter weather this week. The children have worked well together, thinking of games and sharing ideas. They have used gross motor skills and lots of imagination in their play.

Inside we have learned lots of wild animal facts and found out how animals are camouflaged for protection. We made monkey pictures using handprints and then painted a background to hide an animal.

Next week: safari animals and Easter.


What a brilliant, busy week in Nursery!

Monday - we had a visit from Harold the Giraffe, to help us think about how our body works and how to look after ourselves.

Tuesday - a visit from Andy the vet who told us how he looked after sick animals and showed us some interesting things from the vet practice.

Wednesday - Harold was back to talk to us again.

Thursday - we had a visit from a story teller with twinkly lights, music, singing and dancing.

All the visitors praised the children's behaviour and listening and attention and commented on their enthusiasm! Well done to everyone!

In between all this, we have also done lots of our usual playing, counting, artwork and role play.

It was lovely to see so many parents and carers at Parents' Evening.

Next week - wild animals and Spring!


It has been a busy week in Nursery with World Book Day the highlight. Everyone came in an outfit to show who they would like to be when they grow up. The older children joined Apple Class for a story and sat beautifully to listen. 

We worked on some Mother's Day surprises and flower pictures, played a dice game to win parts to build a flower and used Numicon to show how many flowers were in a pot. Outside, the children enjoyed looking for items on a winter checklist before we explore changes to spring. 

Next week: a visit from Andy the vet, a story teller and parents evening.


The children staffed our pet shop this week, helping others to choose the right pet and to find things their pet might need. They are doing well in sharing resources and space and they tell each other that 'sharing is caring'.

We all really enjoyed meeting Pebbles the Royal Python, who is the much loved pet of one of our school parents. The children asked some super questions about how to look after a snake and were very brave when meeting close up. 

We have been playing lots of games to help to recognise words that rhyme, as part of our phonics scheme. In maths we looked at patterns and practised our cutting skills.

Outside the children are starting to play in groups, making up their own games and negotiating the rules.

Next week: World Book Day. 



Our vets clinic has been super busy this week. The children have showed real concern and care for the poorly pets and have been very gentle with them. The children have shown that they have a good understanding of what pets need to stay healthy and happy such as water and exercise and were able to identify the things that pets don't need, including high heels and a phone! We saw lots of good writing when the children made appointments and kindness when taking turns with the equipment. In maths we counted pets in the vets waiting room on the whiteboard. The children really enjoyed sharing their photos and talking about their pets.

Next week: more vets and a pet shop.


It has been a really busy week in Nursery this week. We had 'The Gingerbread Man' as a focus story and enjoyed comparing different versions. The children joined in with repeated story language and decorated our own Gingerbread man.

We found out how some people celebrate Lunar or Chinese New Year and looked at Chinese artefacts. We decorated lanterns and put decorations up in the home corner.

Finally, we really enjoyed playing in the snow and made a new friend complete with carrot nose.

Next week; closed for half term. Please be aware that Monday 19th February is a whole school training day and Nursery is closed.


The children have really enjoyed our focus on 'The three little pigs' this week. We made our own big bad wolf finger puppet and used it to recall what the wolf says in the story. We tested out the materials from the story to see why they weren't suitable for building and then used construction kits to build our own houses.

We noticed changes in the weather then made kites on a windy day and more rainy day pictures.

Next week: The Gingerbread man and Chinese New Year


This week we have focused on the traditional tale of  'Little Red Riding Hood'. We have acted out the story, provided sound effects, discussed the endings in different versions and all agreed that you should never talk to strangers. We counted the cakes in Red Riding Hood's basket and followed her path through the woods with our pencils. 

The children have enjoyed some group activities, taking turns with board games and sharing resources in craft activities. We developed fine motor skills making rainy day pictures using droppers and creating our own repeating patterns on umbrellas.

 Next week: The Three Little Pigs


We have enjoyed activities based on the traditional story of Goldilocks and the three bears this week. We used props to tell the story, matched spoons to bowls by size, played a board game to beat Goldilocks to the porridge and made our own bear character to hide in the woods. We talked about how each bear had their own voice and used these when retelling the story. We compared the size of bears and moved our bodies in different ways.

We made the most of the brief, very cold spell to explore the cold and ice. We listened to the crunchy sound our feet made, looked through pieces of ice and smashed some on the playground. We made snowmen and learnt the rhyme: 'There was a little snowman.'

We went to the hall to use up some energy and play some games. The children lined up super smartly and listened well to instructions.

Next week: Little Red Riding Hood



Happy New Year!

We have had a very busy first week back. The children were happy to see their friends and all seemed to have grown in our two weeks off. We had seven new starters  who have all seemed happy to be with us and enjoyed their first sessions. Our 'old' children were very kind, offering to share toys and including them in games.

We talked about all the different types of weather we might have in winter and sorted clothes by their suitability to keep us warm and dry.

Please remember to name new bags, coats and bottles.

Next week; Goldilocks and the three bears.


Excitement is reaching fever pitch in Nursery as we approach Christmas and the children are excited too!!!!

What a fantastic week we have had; your lovely children have done you all very proud. This week we have had staff and children's illness, our Christmas party and a walk to church with the rest of early years and KS1 to listen to the Christmas story.

Then to top it off, we went to sing at Blossom Court which is over the road from school. What a lovely morning, much enjoyed by all of us and the residents.

Thank you so very much for all your very kind words and good wishes and your very generous gifts. We all really appreciate them.

All the Nursery team wish you a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy 2024!



Wow, what a brilliant week we have had in Nursery!

I hope you enjoyed the Nativity on Tuesday.  We are so very proud of the children and how they coped with the event:-getting up on stage, singing, dancing, wearing unusual clothes, having bare feet, staying with staff and not dashing to parents, trying their best and having fun too! AMAZING!

We have also been doing Christmas crafts, writing names and then..... we had a visit from the police. The children listened well, asked pertinent questions and gave very good answers. Well done everyone.

Next week; party afternoon Tuesday. A visit to  St John's church to hear the Christmas story on Wednesday and a visit to Blossom Court to sing for the residents on Thursday!!!!

We break up on 22/12!


Rehearsals are going well for our Nativity performance. So far all the children have been on stage and sang beautifully. The children have tried on their costumes and look splendid. Fingers crossed for next week!

Please apply for your tickets through the newsletter if you haven't already done so and don't forget your child's party pound.

We have decorated our tree several times and at the end of each day we take the baubles off to start again and started Christmas crafts.

Next week-dress rehearsal on Monday and Nativity performance on Tuesday. Please remember our late start on Thursday 14th-see you at 10.30.



We had a very busy doctors surgery this week with lots of people booking appointments for coughs, colds and minor injuries. The children showed their caring sides despite the long queues. Everything got put on hold though for us to enjoy the snow and ice. We were disappointed not to have enough for a snowman!

We had our first visit to the hall to practice our nativity.

Next week: more practicing and more people who help us.


The children fully embraced our bat cave this week, taking turns to use the torches. We have often had the classroom lights off too, to add to the atmosphere! We have learned bat facts, moved like bats in the hall and used bats for counting practise.  We looked at animals and sorted them into nocturnal or daytime creatures and looked at lots of different types of lights. The children have been very busy writing and drawing signs and symbols to each other and staff, then hiding them around the room. 

Outside I had lots of willing volunteers to scoop up the autumn leaves.

Next week: doctors and nurses.


We have had a very exciting week in Nursery. We started our 'Dough Disco' sessions this week where the children do hand and arm strengthening exercises to music. We found out how some families celebrate Divali. 

We have been finding out what the fire service do to help us and had a visit from Blue Watch at Rawdon Fire station. The children were complemented on their enthusiasm and good manners and I was impressed by good listening and turn taking. Well done everyone.

Next week: The bat cave!!!


The children came back very excited to see their friends and to tell us all their news.

We had lots of discussions about fireworks and bonfires, night time and Halloween and this led to sparkly firework pictures and paintings using a variety of different mark making equipment. The children focussed well in a  small group counting activity, ordered rockets numbered one to five and matched numeral to the correct amount. We built our own rockets and enjoyed sparkles in the water tray.

We read the story 'Fly by night' and found out which animals come out to hunt and play when we go to bed. 

We talked about Remembrance Day and why some people wear poppies.

Next week: Divali, night and day and a special visit from the fire service (fingers crossed).


There were some very cute witches around Nursery this week as part of a little look at Halloween. We made potions in a cauldron by adding objects that started with the same letter and made potions in the water tray with leaves and vegetables. We also stamped some silhouette pictures and decorated our home corner. We had a focus on cutting skills , just to see what stage the children are at and I was very impressed with everyone's concentration and determination as they took control of the scissors. We scooped the seeds from a pumpkin, sharing space and resources and managed to get outside in between the downpours.

Next week: Half term! Enjoy the break - the children deserve a rest.


Our fruit and vegetable shop proved very popular with the children this week. We took turns to be shopkeeper and customer and counted out pennies to pay for our shopping. Some children wrote a shopping list, drawing symbols for what they needed from the shop. We had fruit and veg in the water tray and made marks in red sand using combs, reels, lolly sticks and straws.

We  talked about the changes that happen to our world in Autumn and noticed the weather, the trees and leaves and thought about what animals do. We heard about harvest and what farmers do. We went on an autumn treasure hunt around the grounds and collected different coloured leaves and looked for something spiky! We enjoyed singing '5 little conkers' with a cheeky squirrel.

On Tuesday, everyone coped very well with having individual photos taken - the children listened carefully and followed instructions. 

Next week: more Autumn changes and Halloween.


We have explored our five senses this week through games and activities. We played opticians, found out about guide dogs and tried to imagine how it would feel to be blind. We went on a listening walk through school, used our hands to guess objects, without peeping and tried to guess what was in the pots using only our noses. We talked about what we like to eat and things that don't taste as nice. The children are very enthusiastic about any new activity and keen to find out.

We have been singing counting rhymes, counting groups of objects and recognising numerals to 3. Outside, the children decided to rearrange the tyres, which went well until they tried to move the truck tyre. There was a lot of good discussion and flexing of muscles, great teamwork until they decided it was actually in a really good spot already.

Next week; Autumn changes and harvest. Parents Evening



The children showed their caring side and really good understanding of how to care for small babies this week. Our baby clinic was very busy which gave us good opportunities for talking and writing as people made appointments and discussed how to look after the babies. The children sorted pictures to say what a baby needs and practised putting nappies on, dressing dolls and even bathing the babies - all really good for fine motor skills development. We had a visit from a real six week old baby but the children seemed worried about disturbing her so they sat very still and quiet throughout!!

We have loved looking at all the adorable baby photos that you sent in and tried to guess who it was, as well as noticing how people have changed. We had great fun crawling, shuffling and rolling like a baby.

Next week: our five senses.  Nursery is closed on Friday for a whole school training day.


A busy week with lots of outdoor play. The children are seeking out particular friends to play with and enjoying the space in our garden.

Our focus was our bodies;  what we can do with them and how to keep healthy and naming all the different parts. We particularly enjoyed talking about healthy teeth and the dinosaurs appreciated their check up! We sang action songs and challenged our bodies. We compared heights using the language: taller, shorter, tallest, shortest and drew outlines to see the shape our body makes.

Next week: babies. 


The children are becoming really familiar with Nursery routines and building strong relationships with staff. They have started to feel that it is their Nursery. The downside to this is that the novelty has worn off, with some children realising that coming to school is an ongoing thing! Some have had a little wobble when saying goodbye which usually lasts seconds rather than minutes and is the normal pattern of behaviour at this age and stage. 

The children have loved showing their family pictures and talking about their special people. We have put them on the wall and the children go to look at them and show each other their family.

We have used jelly figures to count out our family and sorted family toys by size and colour. We thought about our feelings and made mood plates and added features to faces with playdough.

We started our phonics lessons and all enjoyed making some 'silly soup!' A super week!

Next week-my body



We have had lots of fun with our new friends this week. We played games to learn each other's names such as 'Jack be nimble' and did lots of talking about what we like to play. The children are becoming familiar with Nursery routines and can already tell me the 'carpet rules'. New friendships are developing and we have seen lovely co-operation and sharing.

We had the exciting job of harvesting the fruit and vegetables that the children planted last term. We have grown tomatoes, cucumber, potatoes and peppers but the children are a little reluctant to eat them as they want to save them. We looked closely at our faces and features and thought about how you can tell just by looking how someone is feeling. We enjoyed painting our own self portraits. 

Next week: families.


 Welcome back to our 'old' children and their families and welcome to Nursery, to our new children and their families.

We had lovely first week, with settling in sessions and half of our new starters have now joined us. We are busy getting to know each other and making friends. The children have all settled well and coped with the extreme heat and getting up early. Our returning children have been brilliant role models and helped the new children to find their feet.

Please remember to label all your child's belongings and download the free 'school jotter app' to receive general messages from school.

Next week:  More new starters, listening games and getting to know each other.