Maple Tree Class Blog
Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Weekly Update 7.5.21
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Hi everyone,
A short but productive week in Maple Tree Class.
We have been busy completing our persuasive holiday leaflets and discovering what a great place the Galapagos Islands are. Linking writing to our science work, we are beginning to learn different theories of evolution with a particular focus on Charles Darwin and Alfred Wallace.
In maths, we have had a geometry focus and have been identifying missing angles in shapes. Everyone has made great progress!
To end the week, we are looking forward to a great game of rounders.
Have a lovely weekend.
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 30.4.21
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Hi Maple Tree Class,
We have had an exciting postal delivery this week in UKS2! This half term we have started reading a new guided reading text which links to our science topic, "Evolution and Inheritance". The book is Darwin's Dragons by Lindsay Galvin and we were lucky enough to receive a personalised letter and some bookmarks from the author!
Darwin's Dragons is another exciting adventure story and we thought this would be a perfect fit for UKS2 after how much they enjoyed reading The Explorer by Katherine Rundell in the spring term.
We are always promoting reading for pleasure and love to see the children enjoying the texts we select for our class readers in school. Reading Lindsay's letter and her words of encouragement really motivated the children this week and engaged them in the book.
We hope the children's enthusiasm for this text will inspire them to read at home regularly this half term and strive to achieve the "Reader of the Week" award in Special Mention assembly. The recipient of "Reader of the Week" this week and next week will also receive one of the Darwin's Dragons bookmarks kindly sent to us!
**Y6 Leavers' Hoodie Reminder**
Y6 pupils received a letter this week regarding leavers' hoodies. If you wish for your child's name to be included please return the attached slip by Friday 7th May.
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 23.4.21
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Maple Tree Class have had a busy start to the summer term. We have started our Famous Scientists topic and have been learning about Charles Darwin and David Attenborough. The children will be completing their own animal documentary and have been researching about the Galapagos Islands to prepare writing a persuasive holiday location leaflet.
Next week, we will begin reading our exciting new class novel which is closely linked to our new topic.
Please remember to bring in reading books every day. PE continues to be on a Tuesday and Friday afternoon.
Weekly Update 1.4.21
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Hi everyone,
What a busy end to the final week of term!
Maple Tree Class have had a great time using their scientific knowledge of electrical circuits and their design and technology skills to make helicopters with moving rotors. It was a great opportunity to use a variety of equipment and everyone did so sensibly and safely.
Sadly, we said goodbye to Mr Smith today. He has worked with Year 6 for several years and he will be greatly missed by both the children and staff. We wish him well for the future and hope he can travel to visit his family in New Zealand soon.
Enjoy the Easter holidays. Let's hope the weather allows us all to get out and about as much as possible.
Take Care
Mrs Trotter
Weekly Update 26.3.21
Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Well done Maple Tree Class!
We have had a busy week completing a range of assessments in reading, grammar, spelling and maths. Everyone has shown a really mature attitude to this and it has been lovely to see that learning activities completed during home learning have been remembered and applied.
Next week, is our final week before the Easter holidays. Staff from Benton Park School will be visiting those children who will be moving to this school in September. We also have some 'eggciting' activities planned.
Have a great weekend.
Mrs Trotter