Maple Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 9.7.21
Posted: Jul 9, 2021 by: Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021
Rehearsals, rehearsals, rehearsals, sports' day, rehearsals, rehearsals. That has been life for Maple Tree Class this week.
Year 6 are working hard on their production and looking forward to the rest of the cast re-joining them on Monday to work together to get ready for the performances later in the week. Props are being made and scripts gone!
Sports day was a successful sunny afternoon and the children enjoyed taking part in a range of traditional activities (photos to follow) such as the running race, egg & spoon and sack race. Denmark were the winners on this occasion.
I think sports will be a theme this weekend. Here's hoping that England are the winners!
Enjoy the weekend
Mrs Trotter