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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Maple Tree Class Blog

Maple Tree Class Blog



Weekly Update 11.6.21

Posted: Jun 9, 2021 by: Mrs Trotter (l.trotter) on: Maple Tree Class Blog 2020/2021

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the final half-term of the year.

Year six have been busy making preparations for end of year celebrations. We read through our leavers' production script and listened to the songs. Parts will be be given next week so the children will then need to learn their lines and the lyrics to all of the songs. We will begin rehearsals shortly.

Everyone was excited to hear that they can finally order their leavers' hoodies that are kindly being paid for by the PTA. These can be ordered direct from PC Sports and will be delivered to the school to be given out to the children. All orders must be received by Friday 18th June.

In maths, we have been studying ratio and in English we have been looking at ways we can improve our descriptive writing by using a range of different sentences from our class novel Darwin's Dragons.

Every week is definitely going to be a busy week!

Enjoy the sunshine!

Mrs Trotter