Lime Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update - 06.11.20
Posted: Nov 4, 2020 by: Mr Spence (t.spence) on: Lime Tree Class Blog 2020-2021
Welcome to Lime Tree Class's blog.
We will be providing weekly updates about what our pupils have been doing in class and any news for pupils and parents that may be useful.
This week we have started our new 'Fighting Fit' topic, in which we will learn about the life and work of Florence Nightingale. This has led to some excellent descriptive writing about ourselves, and then about Florence Nightingale. We have also enjoyed some interesting Topic lessons linked to how life was different in the 1800s when Florence was alive.
In Maths we have been working hard on Addition and Subtraction. Our Year 1 pupils have been adding single digit numbers and doing some work on number bonds to 10 whilst Year 2 pupils have been adding and subtracting one digit numbers and 2 digit numbers.
All our pupils have started this half term with a fantastic attitude and we are really excited to learn more about Florence Nightingale!