Lime Tree Class Blog
Lime Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 20.11.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
A slightly shorter week has come to an end!
In English the children have looked at examples of different diaries, in preparation for writing their own diary from Florence Nightingale's point of view next week.
In maths, Year 1 have continued learning about subtraction and have learnt how to subtract by counting back on the number line and by how to subtract by finding the difference.
In PSHE we have learnt about the NSPCC 'Speak Out, Stay Safe' campaign. The children all know that they have a right to be safe and can name 5 trusted adults who they can talk to if they are feeling worried or unsafe.
We have also started rehearsing our Christmas play called 'The Curious Sheep' and cannot wait to perform this for you in a few weeks time!
Enjoy the weekend and see you again on Monday,
Miss Atkinson
Weekly Update 15.11.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
Another week has flown by in Lime Tree.
In English, the children have continued their work on instructions and have written their own instructions for how to make a Florence lamp. I have been very impressed with the determination with which the children approached this task and the quality of the written work was very good.
In maths, Year 2s have learnt how to add two two digit numbers by looking at the tens and ones. Year 1s have started learning how to subtract and have solved some subtraction calculations using the part whole model.
In art, the children have reflected on their learning about nature sculptures and Andy Goldsworthy and created a collage to showcase their work.
In computing we have learnt about how to stay safe online by not giving out personal information. We have also continued learning about how to give short, simple instructions to the BeeBots. The children worked with a partner and took it in turns to give instructions or pretend to be a BeeBot. The children then gave instructions to direct their BeeBot around the playground.
Thank you all for the donations for Children in Need today. The children have enjoyed a day in their non-uniform.
Enjoy the weekend and see you on Monday!
Miss Atkinson
Weekly Update 8.11.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
Weekly update 25.10.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 18.10.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
We have had a week filled with poetry as part of English. Each child has written their own 'What the Ladybird Heard' poem using onomatopoeia and alliteration. We have also listened to lots of Michael Rosen poetry with a class favourite being 'Don't'.
In maths, Year 2 have learnt about how to use number bonds to 10 to find the number bonds to 100 (e.g. knowing 3 + 7 = 10, tells you that 30 + 70 = 100). Year 1s have been recapping their number bonds to 7, 8 and 9.
In history, we learnt about local nurse Nellie Spindler who was born in Wakefield and trained in Leeds. She nursed soliders on the frontline in WW1. The children chose one event from Nellie's life that they felt was most important and wrote their reason why.
In PSHE we have learnt how to be a good friend and how to make up with friends after a disagreement.
Enjoy the weekend and I will see you again on Monday for the final week of school before October half term.
Miss Atkinson