Lime Tree Class Blog
Lime Tree Class Blog
Weekly Update 24.1.25
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
This week has flown by!
Year 1s have learnt the new 'au' and 'aw' digraphs in phonics whilst Year 2 have learnt about how to add 'ing' to words that end in 'e'.
In geography we learnt the names of five seas that surround the UK and also began to use the compass to find north, south, east and west.
In computing we have continued learning about algorithms and the children enjoyed planning their own algorithm and getting a BeeBot to follow it.
In maths, Year 1s have continued counting in 2s, 5s and 10s and have also begun to look at how we can use arrays to write repeated addition number sentences. Year 2s have learnt their two times tables and how to divide by 2.
Enjoy the weekend and see you again on Monday,
Miss Atkinson
Weekly Update 17.1.25
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
This week has been jam-packed full of learning!
The children enjoyed reading our new class book 'Traction Man is Here' by Mini Grey. To begin, they looked at the front cover and blurb to make predictions for what they thought would happen in the text. They then wrote some fantastic descriptions of Traction Man himself.
In maths we have continued learning about multiplication. Year 1s have learnt how to count in 2s, 5s and 10s and write repeated addition number sentences to match pictures. Year 2 have continued learning that multiplication can mean 'groups of' and have also learnt how to use arrays to solve multiplication number sentences. Take a look at some of our work using arrays below:
In PSHE we have looked at how to keep our bodies healthy by eating a varied diet and exercising. We are going to continue learning about how to look after our bodies next week by learning about the importance of getting a good night's sleep.
The children have hugely enjoyed learning how to skip in PE and have already made fantastic progress from their various starting points.
Have a wonderful weekend (without any snow!) and see you again on Monday,
Miss Atkinson
Weekly Update 10.1.25
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
An unusual first week back at school has come to an end, following all the snowfall and ice!
The children have coped so well with not being able to play on their playground all week and have come back to school with a fantastic attitude to learning.
In Year 1, the children have started to learn the basic principles of multiplication by making equal groups, as well as how to count in 2s. They have enjoyed making towers and counting how tall their towers were by counting in multiples of 2.
Year 2 have also been learning about multiplication but have started to learn about the multiplication symbol meaning 'groups of'.
In English we watched a clip of Elastigirl from 'The Incredibles' and the children wrote some fantastic descriptions of her using a variety of adjectives and conjunctions.
We have started our geography topic 'I wonder how the countries of the UK are different?' by looking at where the UK is in relation to the rest of the world.
Have a wonderful weekend and let's hope for a slightly warmer start to next week!
Miss Atkinson
Weekly Update 20.12.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
We have made it to the Christmas holidays!
For most of the week we have stuck to our usual routine. In English, the children completed some work based around the book 'Penguin Huddle' by Ross Montgomery. In maths Year 1 have recapped their understanding of place value within 20 and Year 2 have practiced how to subtract a two digit number from a two-digit number.
On Tuesday the children enjoyed being first aiders at the teddy bear hospital, to finish off our history unit of work about Florence Nightingale. The children learnt how to apply a bandage and how to make two different types of sling. They also learnt about when and how to call 999.
The children enjoyed their Christmas party on Wednesday afternoon. Thank you for all the donations towards party food and party prizes.
All that's left to say is Happy Christmas, if you celebrate it, and I will see you again on Monday 6th January!
Miss Atkinson
Weekly Update 13.12.24
K Atkinson (k.atkinson) on: Lime Tree Class Blog
A festive week has come to an end!
The children excelled in their Christmas performance of 'Hey Ewe' on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who came to see the performance and we hope it got you in the festive spirit.
In English, the children finished writing their a postcard from Florence Nightingale to her sister Parthenope, recounting her hard work at Scutari Hospital.
In maths, the Year 2s have recapped how to solve subtraction number sentences involving two two-digit numbers. Year 1 have continued learning about place value within 20. Year 1 also completed a maths assessment to check what they have remembered from so far this academic year and I was amazed at how well they all did.
Elsewhere in the curriculum, the children have explored programming with the BeeBots and started to debug their programme. We have also continued exploring materials in science and completed a waterproof investigation to find the best material to use when making an umbrella.
The children all look very festive today in their Christmas jumpers today and enjoyed a Christmas Dinner!
Next week our class Christmas party is on Wednesday afternoon. If you have not already done so and are able to, please donate £1 to go towards the party food.
We are also going to be learning some first aid on Tuesday morning to finish our history topic on famous nurses. Your child will need to bring in a medium sized teddy bear on Tuesday to practice some first aid!
I hope you have a good weekend and I will see you again on Monday for the final week of school before the Christmas holidays!
Miss Atkinson