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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Information
  2. Curriculum
  3. Curriculum Overview

Curriculum Statement and Maps 


At Rufford Park Primary School, we aim for all of our children to acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding which will enable them to confidently achieve at every stage of their education.

We place an emphasis on a curriculum that develops each and every individual.  Linked to our Rufford Park LEARNER acronym we deliver a curriculum that:

  • Looks to challenge
  • develops an Eagerness for knowledge
  • is Always accessible
  • ensures that children are Ready for the next stage of learning
  • promotes resilience so that children Never give up
  • Engages pupils
  • allows for Reflection

Our curriculum is mapped to include full coverage of the EYFS Statutory Framework and the National Curriculum (Y1-6).  In September 2021 we launched our new EYFS curriculum which is based on a book and aims to re-unite children with ‘The Lost Words’.  In KS1 and KS2 we enrich the curriculum through our topic based approach. 


Our curriculum provides a range of learning experiences for our children which broadens their knowledge and understanding of the world from a local, British and global perspective.  Our curriculum is designed to support the children so that they know more and are able to remember more.  Our curriculum supports our vision for every Rufford Park child.  We have high expectations for our pupils and believe that every child should:

  • be happy, feel safe and have fun growing up
  • achieve at all levels of learning and acquire knowledge and skills for life
  • be an active citizen who has a voice and can influence
  • enjoy a healthy lifestyle

 Vision realised through the curriculum:

Personal Development

Our curriculum extends beyond the academic and supports our children to develop in many diverse aspects of life.  We have detailed and evaluated the quality of our provision for personal development in the document below.

 RPPS Personal Development.pdfDownload
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Curriculum Maps

We have developed curriculum maps for each phase in school: EYFS, KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.  The mixed classes from Y1 onwards means that we have a 2 year rolling programme.  The maps include all subjects in the National Curriculum so that our children access a broad and balanced curriculum.  Quality first teaching ensures that the curriculum meets the needs of all our pupils.

Progression Maps

Our curriculum maps are expanded into subject specific progression documents.  These progression maps identify key knowledge and skills to be taught over a sequence of lessons. Progression maps are then used to develop short-term planning where teaching builds upon prior learning and provide opportunities for key knowledge to be revisited. 

"Teachers ensure pupils are taught content in a sensible order. Pupils have lots of opportunities to build on their prior learning. As a result, pupils achieve well in a wide range of subjects. The knowledge pupils gain prepares them well for their next stage of education."

Ofsted July 2022

Quality reading texts are selected to support the curriculum; they stimulate interest, provide a context for the learning and make meaningful cross-curricular links to ensure knowledge is transferred across subjects.

"Reading is a high priority. This can be seen in the displays around school, the books in class libraries and the high-quality texts used in the English curriculum. Reading for pleasure is encouraged. Pupils enjoy choosing books from the school’s well-stocked library. They read often. Pupils talk excitedly about their favourite books and authors."

Ofsted July 2022

Across the curriculum, children are given regular opportunities to explore, question, investigate, evaluate, and reflect on their learning. These crucial experiences strengthen children’s subject knowledge and embed life-long skills for our children.

Visitors, visits and extra-curricular opportunities provide a range of experiences across the curriculum.  They broaden understanding of curriculum content and enrich curriculum delivery to help embed subject knowledge and learning.  These visits are subsidised by school to ensure that all planned events go ahead.  Pupils are enthused by these opportunities.

"Pupils enjoy participating in a wide range of interesting activities. For example, pupils take part in a Shakespeare festival and poetry competitions. Many pupils are involved in afterschool clubs, music and sporting events. These exciting experiences enrich pupils’ learning."

Ofsted July 2022


Lessons follow the ‘assess, plan, do, review’ cycle.  Prior learning is built upon through assessing what has been taught.  Ongoing formative assessments inform teaching and we capture data for Reading, Writing and Maths at 3 points across the academic year – at the end of the Autumn, Spring and Summer Terms.  NFER standardised assessments are used alongside teacher assessments to provide a judgement.  This allows subject leaders to track progress for these core subjects across school on a termly basis.

Subject leadership

The role of the subject leader is pivotal in the successful implementation of our curriculum.  We aim for all subject leaders to have the knowledge, expertise and practical skill to be able to lead their area effectively.  Each curriculum subject has a dedicated subject leader with clear roles and responsibilities.  They are responsible for the curriculum design, delivery and impact in their own curriculum area.  Subject leaders and leaders at all levels, including Governors, regularly review and quality assure the subject areas to ensure that they are being implemented as intended and that coverage, curriculum, breadth and balance is effective.


Pupils leave Rufford Park Primary School with a secure understanding of the academic curriculum.  We know this because the children make above average progress in Reading, Writing and Maths (combined) from their EYFS starting points – they achieve well.  They are good citizens who have a strong understanding of British Values and know how to be spiritually, morally, socially and culturally responsible.  The children also know how to keep themselves safe, how to be healthy and how to have fun growing up.  The curriculum facilitates this and ensures that the quality of education is nothing less than good.

 RPPS Curriculum Planning Our Approach March 2020.docxDownload
 RPPS Distributed Curriculum Leadership Model March 2020.docxDownload
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Curriculum Maps


 Nursery Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Reception Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
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 KS1 Cycle A Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 KS1 Cycle B Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
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 LKS2 Cycle A Curriculum Map 2024-25 (1).pdfDownload
 LKS2 Cycle B Curriculum Map 2025-26.pdfDownload
 UKS2 Cycle B Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
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