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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

Our favourite things about school...
  1. Classes
  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. OLD Oak Tree - Year 5 (2019-2020)

Oak Tree Class - Year 5 (2019-2020)


Welcome to our class page! Year 5 Oak is taught by Miss Johansson with support from Mrs Hand. 

This year, alongside the school curriculum we plan to focus on...

  1. Reading for pleasure – sharing book tips with our friends and discovering new favourite writers. 
  2. Becoming more resilient by taking risks with our learning – both inside and outside the classroom (e.g. through drama or school trips). 
  3. Reflecting on our work and learning from our mistakes (FAIL = First Attempt In Learning!). 
  4. Improving our handwriting.



Take a look at our new class blog below! You can add to it using Purple Mash. Below is a handy guide I have put together showing you how to find our blog and add your first post. 

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Academic Year 2019 - 2020


Year 5 Oak class were the first to achieve 100% reading on Friday 7th February . Every child in the class read at least 5 times during the week and had this verified by the staff at school. We are so proud of this result and hope to maintain this each week!

Between now and the end of the year, we will be keeping a record of all the children who ‘always read’ and there will be an end of year party for these children. 

Oak Tree class enjoyed creating mountain landscapes in Art using chalk pastels and ripped card to create jagged mountain outlines. 

In Science on Friday 17th January, the children enjoyed investigating the properties of different materials. Each table group were provided with a selection of different objects and worked together to name the different materials and properties that the objects consisted of, such as wood, glass, elastic bands, plastic and more. 

On Tuesday 7th January, Oak Tree began their weekly music lessons with Mrs Truscott. They had a brilliant first lesson and learnt all about the importance of pulse and rhythm within music; the children formed their own beats using claves and gradually incorporated a RAP to go along with their beats. They are excited to begin Beatboxing next week!


Autumn 2

…. and that's the first term done and dusted! Oak Tree class celebrated completing their first term in Year 5 and kicked off Christmas with fun and games on Friday 20th December. The children each made a Christmas card with a modern twist and had a morning full of games and festive fun! Not to mention finishing the day with The Grinch!


We hope you have a happy and safe Christmas and look forward to welcoming the children back in 2020! 

Miss Johansson and Miss Sanderson


Oak Tree class have had a super 6-week run of achieving the KS2 Extreme Reading trophy! The children must each read at least 5 times over the course of a week to be counted towards our class percentage and the class with the largest percentage in KS2, then receives the trophy! This week and the previous three, a lot of the children in our class did just that… however, we would love to reach 100% one Friday! 


On Friday 15th November, Rufford Park got well and truly stuck-in fundraising for Children in Need with a non-uniform day and donations for this special cause. Oak Tree class had fun creating Children in Need posters, which they took home to raise awareness for the cause. The children loved incorporating spots into their clothing too. As a school, we raised a fantastic £306.95!


Autumn 1 

Oak Tree Class have had a busy and exciting start to the year. The children have settled in extremely well and have been working hard across all subjects. We began our year with a stimulating school trip to Armley Mills Museum, which introduced our topic of Yeadon in the Victorian Era nicely. This topic will feed into the subjects History and Geography.

In English, we have been focussing on diary writing; the children planned and wrote a diary entry from the perspective of a Victorian child, following their day at Armley Mills. Our focus then shifted to poetry, where the children worked together in pairs to create fabulous poems based on what they heard and saw at Armley Mills. We have created a class poetry book using these poems and the children love reading this in their spare time! We are now looking at non-chronological writing and the children are creating information-packed reports on workhouses during the Victorian era.


In maths, our overriding focus has been place value, whereby the children have been building upon their existing knowledge of this to apply to different areas. We began by converting numbers from digit form to the written form, then we looked at rounding numbers to estimate answers and then we interpreted negative numbers by increasing/decreasing these. We are currently progressing through lots of work surrounding addition and subtraction; the children have had fun applying their knowledge of this to tricky word problems. We will be moving onto statistics very shortly! 

Science has been an exciting subject for the children too. Our focus is Forces and we've been looking into lots of detail about the different types of forces there are and why and when these act upon objects. Interestingly, we learned how the first theory of gravity was discovered too! The children really enjoyed investigating the mass and weight of different objects, where they used Newton metres to do so. 

More information and pictures below...


Our trip to Armley Mills 


On Thursday 12th September, Year 5 spent the day at Armley Mills Museum.
We had a fabulous day and stepped back in time to experience work and school life
conditions for children during the Victorian era.

The first half of the day was spent in the mill, getting close to the original spinning wheels and mill machinery. Here, the children learnt all about working conditions that Victorian people had to face and the terrifying jobs that children their age had to carry out. The second half of the day, saw the children immersed in the Victorian schoolroom where they discovered what life was really like for children at school during Victorian Britain. They carried out activities and work that children had to complete on a daily basis and enjoyed being in-role using their Victorian names. 
