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Oak Tree Class Blog


Week 6, ending 11 October

Posted: Oct 10, 2024 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Week 5, ending 11 October

Reader: Millie

Special Mention: Seth

A super well done to these pupils this week!


It has been another great week for the children in Oak Tree Class. Tina Turner was by far  the most enjoyed ‘Female Legend’ in our early morning music!

In Ukuleles, we all sang and plucked our way through 'Happy Birthday to you' to Dima, as it was actually his birthday. We have moved onto chords too, and began to sing and strum to 'A Thousand Years'. 

Our English unit continues – diary entries have been written and edited; now we will publish!  Already I can see progress in how the children are writing their ideas down – they are much more fluently adding details to each sentence, including elative clauses, expanded noun phrases and a range of conjunctions. All of these will stand them in good stead for the rest of Y5 and beyond.

In our topic session (history), the children have been investigating what food was rationed during WW2 and have also considered the language that was used in propaganda posters, encouraging families to ration their food. A lot of persuasive posters have been created by my brilliant class. I have been thrilled by the number of Ration Recipe pics that have been coming in - what superstars you all are! Keep up the fab work and continue to send photos of kids with creations to

Here is a pic of us tasting the amazing bread, baked by Ted, following a WW2 ration recipe! Yum. We all loved it!


In Maths, more work has been done on addition and subtraction. We will revisit this area again shortly in Y5 but it would be very helpful if you could spend time revising ‘halving and doubling’ with your Y5 child. This is an area of weakness at the minute and could do with an extra boost from home. Thank you!

If you know how to say ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you’ in French, do practise together! Our French lessons are a lot of fun and it’s always good to know the children remember these phrases at home.

Have a lovely weekend! Hope to see you all at one of the Parents’ Evenings next week.


Mrs Adrienne Amos