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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog


Autumn 1 Week 2, ending 13 September

Posted: Sep 13, 2024 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Reader: Joseph

Special Mention: Dima

Well done to these pupils!

This week has been a really happy week and the children have settled extremely well. I am impressed with how mature the children have been since moving up to Y5 – this bodes well for a successful year. Well done, Oak Tree Class! It was also lovely to meet so many of you at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ event on Wednesday.

The music genre the children have been listening to each morning has been R & B this week. Arianna Grande (with John Legend) was definitely the preferred track, I think.

In Maths this week, we have been developing our knowledge and skills in Place Value, learning how to recognise numbers up to 1,000,000. In English, we have been writing a piece of narrative, where we have described images of Ww2 evacuees, which builds nicely on from our class novel, Goodnight, Mr Tom. The vocabulary in this book can be quite challenging at times, due to it being set in the era of the outbreak of WW2, but we are having lots of interesting discussions about these words!

In our topic session, we placed the WW2 event on a timeline, linked to other key periods the children have already studied at RPPS. This skill of chronology is so important in primary school education.

Just to remind you, we plan to go on our school visit to Worth Valley on Wednesday 25 September.  Hopefully, you have filled out the permission form and you are having discussions about what an evacuee might wear! A reminder that the children will require a packed lunch too. (This does not have to be WW2 styled, though!)

As well as the weekly spellings to find and practise, for homework this week the children are being given the opportunity to stand as our school council rep again. If they wish to be considered, they need to create a poster, explaining WHY they think they should be Oak Tree Class’s rep. They can explain what kind of person they are and how they think they would be good at the role. Any parental support would be gratefully appreciated, I am sure.

Posters and spellings need to be in on Wednesday, as normal. Also, please continue to read regularly (five times) with your child each week. Reading is at the crux of all our learning.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Adrienne Amos