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  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog


Week 2, ending 3 March

Posted: Mar 3, 2023 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

Well done to these two this week!

Reader: Ethan

Special Mention: Olivia

So much fabulous effort has gone in to Reading and other related activities, due to World Book Day, so it was v tricky choosing just two children this week.

It has been a super week and we have had a lot of fun designing and creating our WBD t-shirts. Lots of creativity – many thanks to all those parents who helped to inspire your child with this task; it was lovely to see so many ‘home’ reading books come into school and they certainly helped the process.

‘Joseph’ rehearsals continue and more information should be coming your way soon, with key timings and dates. Also, many of you have been costume-seeking too – thank you. The production will look fantastic!

In science, we have just finished a unit on Animals and their Habitats, culminating in a session where we compared life cycles of two different animals and we have started our new French unit, too: all about the Seasons.

As the French say, bienvenue au printemps!

Enjoy your weekend,


Mrs Adrienne Amos