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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

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Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


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0113 391 0906

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  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog


Week 4, ending 27th January

Posted: Jan 26, 2023 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

A slightly shorter week for the children, but one in which we have crammed much in! We have begun to further our knowledge of Multiplication and Division in Maths and it is still quite clear that for some children, their lack of times table fluency is holding them back. Please spend some time this weekend (and over the next few weeks) practising these vital bits of maths – their helpfulness is undeniable.

In English, we have learned more about poetic devices (such as similes, metaphor, personification, alliteration and rhyme) while looking at a variety of poetry. This preparation will help us write our own poems about the rainforest. We need to learn a Rudyard Kipling poem by the end of this term, so look out for that coming your way!

Topic this term will be/has been mainly geography skills and the children have done brilliantly well learning about the equator, hemispheres and the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Why not ask them if they can recall what these terms are?

Finally, a reminder about our plans for World Book Day which is coming up in March. We recently sent a letter to all parents detailing our plans to hold a decorate a t shirt theme for the first time. Please check bags, if you have yet to see it! We kindly ask that all financial contributions are made by next Thursday (Thursday 2nd March) to allow us an appropriate length of time to order t-shirts and the resources required to decorate them (and of course to give the children chance to decorate them before WBD!). We have received some queries this week regarding sizing for t shirts - please note all children will receive an oversized t shirt as this will give them much more space for their book cover design and ensure every child in school has a suitable t shirt to wear.

As it's the Big Bird Watch this weekend, I've sent home a sheet of common birds you might spot and asked the children to do this instead of Maths! Please report on Most seemed pleased....spellings, as normal though. 

Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Adrienne Amos