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  3. Oak Tree Class Blog 2022-2023

Oak Tree Class Blog


Week 5, ending 7 October

Posted: Oct 7, 2022 by: Mrs Amos (a.amos) on: Oak Tree Class Blog

The music of Boybands has welcomed us into class each morning (with Busted being my favourite!) and spurred us on to complete some impressive work all week.

We have finished our unit on Place Value in Maths, but a little more work on Rounding Numbers to the nearest 10 and 100 is still required, as these are very tricky concepts. Any extra work Mums, Dads, Grandparents can do on this would truly help to consolidate the classroom learning we have done. 

Our Problem Solving session in Maths today (Friday) was a big help though, as we tried to create 4-Digit Numbers in teams. (See picture above of the Winning Team!)

Our diary entries are finished and edited and will now be published – look out next week for copies of this work. I am very proud of all they have achieved in Writing so far in Year 5.

Science was fun, creating spectrums through a prism; we also learned much about WW2 Rationing in our topic session. Some children were horrified to find out that a) there were very little sweets and chocolate around for children during the war   b) fruit and vegetables were NOT rationed    and c) they couldn’t just go out ‘and grab a burger’!

No Maths homework this weekend, as it would be great if the children could look through the WW2 Recipe Booklet (sent home on Monday) and try to create something World War-y. Please send pics to me at

Have a lovely weekend,

Mrs Adrienne Amos