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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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  1. Classes
  2. Oak Tree - Year 5
  3. Oak Tree Class Blog - 2021 - 22

Oak Tree Class Blog - 2021 - 22


Weekly Update 19/11/21

Posted: Nov 17, 2021 by: Mr Ranton (r.ranton) on: Oak Tree Class 2021-2022

This week, we had a change of genre in English. We begun looking a descriptive writing. We begun discussing word types and building up phrases and sentences with lots of great detail. 


Pupils have continued enjoying their gymnastics during their Fisical P.E. sessions on a Wednesday. This week, they were working in pairs to create synchronized routines using point and patch holds. A warm up the pupils particularly enjoy is the Bean Game. Say, "Microwave bean,"  to one of the Year 5s and watch what happens.