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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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Beech Tree Class Blog 2023-2024



Weekly Update 31/1/25

Posted: Jan 31, 2025 by: Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Beech Tree Blog

Hello everyone,

This week, we have started working on our next piece of writing. This is again based on a non-fiction text and is about three men who end up trapped in a volcano crater. This is all the children have read up to in the story and their task for their next piece of writing will be to write their own solution and ending to this story. Together, the children have mind mapped possible solutions that are realistic and fit in with what they know about the story so far. We have also focused on work involving apostrophes for singular and plural possession as well as using inverted commas for speech.

In our maths, we have moved onto short division using the bus stop method. This week, we have focused on dividing two digit numbers by 1 digit numbers. The2 children have shown amazing progress with using the bus stop method and have also been using the inverse operation (short multiplication) to check their answers.

In science, the children conducted an experiment revolving around whether the volume of sound is affected by the distance someone is from the sound source. The children really enjoyed it and with three groups conducting the experiment, we were able to determine that all 3 sets of results were accurate.

Take care,

Mr Kyriacou :)