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Rufford Park Primary School and Nursery

Happy, Healthy, Safe
Enjoying, Achieving, Influencing


Rufford Ave, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7QR

0113 391 0906

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Beech Tree Class Blog 2023-2024



Weekly Update 24/1/25

Posted: Jan 24, 2025 by: Mr Kyriacou (n.kyriacou) on: Beech Tree Blog

Hello everyone,

In our reading this week, we have continued to read the next six chapters of Kidnap in the Caribbean. The children have been absolutely loving it! The have particularly loved all the suspicious events that have been occurring and have so many questions about who is behind it all. This has prompted lots of lovely discussions and predictions being made.

This week, in maths, we have been focusing on using the short multiplication method and multiplying two- and three-digits numbers by 1-digit numbers. The children have been working incredibly hard on using this method and it’s absolutely amazing to see how much progress they’ve made with it. They should all be really proud of themselves!

In our writing, the children have been working on writing their diary entries, where they have taken on the role of Sue Ruff, a survivor of the 1980 Mt St Helens eruption. The children have written about the events of that devastating day from her perspective and have produced some absolutely brilliant pieces of work, which I thoroughly enjoyed reading.

For our computing unit, the children have been using an animation programme called Scratch to create three of their own sprites, apply code that will make them move in different ways, control when they start moving, create multiple different backgrounds to go with each sprite and make those switch over on a loop. The children have really enjoyed this unit so far and have produced some lovely little animations.

In our geography work, we used fieldwork skills to locate ourselves on a map of school, used the painted compass directions on the playground and used geographical vocabulary as we traced the horizon line with our fingers. We also discussed the weather conditions and cloud cover that we could observe.  

Take care,

Mr Kyriacou